
One of the things I often used Thursday Thirteen for was to talk about stuff that had caught my eye, things that have gone on in the house, things God is teaching me, etc – all in one place. (Because I didn’t want to write too many posts and it was a great way to organize all those tidbits together.) 😉

With Thursday Thirteen temporarily down for the count… I give you: “Come Shoot The Breeze With Me.” Because if you haven’t figured it out by now…I like to talk (or type.) My parents are laughing at that. That’s ok. I know I talk too much. But I am working on that. 🙂

At any rate, this has been a busy week. Full of lots of good stuff. Let me just start off by saying that “Yes, boys are different than girls.” I’ve been keeping the camera handy just to prove it. They get into things. Like the catfood:


And if you aren’t careful… they eat it.

And they dig in the trash can:


And if you’re not fast enough… they eat it.

And they get into the chocolate syrup… and they CHUG it! —>

Fortunately, I did come up with a better option for the cat food. An option with a LID!


I rinsed this ice cream bucket but hadn’t thrown it out yet when he dumped the bag and my brain said, “Aha!” I really need an option with a lid that’s harder to take off but this will work in the meantime.


I suppose I need a trashcan with a snap on lid, too. And the chocolate syrup? Hm. Still working on that one. These aren’t the only things that make boys special of course. Just a few. 🙂

It’s been a good week in other ways, too. The weather has been good. The kids have been able to play a lot. Of course, they are terrified of our landlord’s dog (whom we share property with) and he usually comes down to ‘play’ when he hears them go outside. But I’m teaching them to not run screaming like little girls deal with it. Well, I’m trying.

Oh- and I found a good use for You Tube…

Third Day is one of my FAVORITIST bands ever! (Yes, favoritist!) And by the way, I could barely contain my excitement when I noticed that the band member with the blue guitar was playing my dream guitar. Except I haven’t seen it in blue… wonder where he found that…?

And I have a freebie for you. Meet: WriteToMyBlog. I haven’t tried it yet. I probably should before I tell you about it, but oh well. 😉 I meant to try it to see if it was any better or easier than creating posts in WordPress or Blogger, but I forgot to try it before I started typing in here, so, maybe next time. 🙂 Y’all let me know what you think. 🙂

And just for fun (and no other reason at all) here’s a fun little site to waste a few minutes on to create a free one of these:



Isn’t she cute? I can put her on my sidebar or whatever. I am thinking about adding her to my email signature. 😛

Now before I go, I’d really like to introduce you to a few people.

First, meet Amy. Amy is a true inspiration. When we think that we have got it bad, and we don’t think we can trust God with the little things, we need to remember that there are others who must trust God with MUCH. And we must remember that regardless of our circumstances, and regardless of how much God is calling us to trust him with,…God is trustworthy.

Next, I’d like to meet (what could possibly be my favorite blog to read), BooMama. I enjoy her writing style and her humor and she cracks me up with her “Southern-ness,” especially being from the South myself. And by the way, BooMama introduced me to LPM, Mrs. Beth Moore’s blog. Cool, huh?

The 2nd of my three favorite blogs to read (Laura at I’m an Organizing Junkie being the other one,) is Shannon’s Rocks In My Dryer. She’s a great writer as well. She’s funny, witty, and her kids…well, she’s got some great stories!

Well, that about wraps it up for now. “Y’all come back now, y’hear?” He-he. 🙂


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!