The Family Casserole recipe has been requested and of course I’m happy to oblige. It’s not a secret (at least I don’t think it is…) 😉

Apparently this is something that my mother-in-law made one day when my husband was young after digging through a half-empty pantry. I don’t think she imagined her grandkids would be eating it. But her children loved it and my husband still loves it.

“It” is just a ground beef, potato, and green bean casserole (though I don’t think it technically meets the definition of ‘casserole.’) “It” hasn’t even had a name except for “the casserole” until I started Menu Plan Monday and needed to call it something. “It” is one of the easiest things to make. Really. 🙂



1 lb. ground beef

approx. 2 c. diced potatoes

1 can green beans (not drained)

Lawry’s seasoned salt, onion powder, garlic powder, pepper



1.) Brown the ground beef with some seasoned salt, onion powder, garlic powder and pepper. You know your family’s taste so have at it how you will. 🙂 Drain well.

2.) In the skillet, mix the beef, the potatoes, and the entire can of green beans and liquid. Add a dash or two of seasoned salt and pepper, cover with a lid, and cook on medium-high until the potatoes are almost cooked through. Stir occasionally.
3.) When the potatoes are almost done, finish cooking without the lid so the rest of the liquid (if any) will evaporate. Once the potatoes are cooked through, serve hot with some bread, cornbread, or saltine crackers. (If you are like my husband, add more seasoned salt here.) 😉



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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!