Here’s another recipe straight from me to you. I actually made this one up. Ok, I probably didn’t invent this. Odds are that someone else out there does something like this. But I did make it up without any prior knowledge of a recipe.

It’s my Skillet Breakfast Casserole. Everyone who has ever tried this has really liked it. Okay, that’s maybe a dozen people so that may not be saying much. 🙂

Enjoy it anyway!



4 eggs

1/2 cup milk

8 oz package ground pork sausage

1 lb. tater tots

salt & pepper

shredded cheese



Step: 1 Preheat oven according to the directions for the tater tots. Arrange the frozen tots on a cookie sheet.

Step 2: In a bowl, combine eggs and milk with a dash of salt a& pepper.

Step 3: Once you put the tater tots in the oven, pour the eggs into a skillet and begin to cook & scramble the eggs.
Step 4: In another skillet, break up and cook the sausage.

Step 5: Once the sausage and eggs are done, pour the eggs into the sausage and mix, keeping heat on low and stirring occasionally.

Step 6: Once the tater tots are done, temporarily pour them into the empty skillet (or onto another surface) to break them up with a spatula. Stir into sausage and eggs.

Step 7: Top with shredded cheese and serve with salsa (if desired.)


This really is a very simple breakfast to make. Everything cooks all at the same time and then gets thrown together in the last minute. Served with a glass of OJ it’s a hot and balanced breakfast and it tastes good, too!

P.S. Since I usually just eyeball it and throw it all together, I’m kinda guessing on the ratio, but I’m pretty sure this is about right. It’s easily adjustable to make more or less, too.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!