
The Princess and the Kiss: A Story of God’s Gift of Purity is the charming tale of a princess and her first kiss, which God entrusted her parents with for safe-keeping on the day of her birth. The kiss was safely kept by the King and Queen until the princess was old enough to guard it on her own.


When the young princess came of age and suitors began to call, the princess now faced the task of finding a suitor worthy of her first kiss. Would it be Prince Peacock? Prince Romance? Prince Treasurechest? The wise princess knew that these suitors would not treasure her first kiss the way she did. Who would she choose; how would she find him?


This heart-warming story by Laurie Bishop sweetly teaches our daughters the virtue of purity through poetic writing and beautiful illustrations. I literally cry every time I read it to my little girls. Of course, every little girl loves stories about princessess, and this tale has their attention from beginning to end.


This is one of my favorite additions to their collection, and I’m sure we’ll treasure it for a while to come. There is also a companion book for boys that I haven’t read yet, but I’d like to get it for when Baby Boy is older.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!