Advent begins this Sunday — and for the first time in YEARS I am actually ready for it! Usually, I’m scrambling at the last minute to get the Advent wreath up, find or print devotional readings, make some kind of Advent calendar. . .

This year I’m on the ball. 😉 

Advent candle wreath? Check! We even have pink and purple candles instead of “just whatever we could find.” (Although, it drives my daughter nuts that there is only ONE pink candle. 😉 )

Advent devotional? Check! I downloaded Unwrapping the Names of Jesus on Kindle about a month ago. I’ve dug through it and it looks REALLY good. It has online printable resources, too!

Advent Calendar? Check! Sort of? Instead of a traditional Advent calendar, this year we are using a Scripture Reading calendar to mark off the days, and a “experience-based” bingo game instead of treats or activities assigned to each day.

I can’t believe how prepared I am. Normally I’ve let Advent sneak up on me. I’m sure it helps that Thanksgiving was earlier in the month this year. That extra week really helped. 😉

Anywho. . .

I’m sharing my Advent Scripture reading calendar with you! For all you moms who are usually a step behind like me. =) Click on the picture of the calendar or the link above it to download it from my shop. IT’S FREE.

2018 Advent Reading Calendar

advent scripture calendar


Advent Experience Bingo

Don’t forget to check out our experience-based bingo game, too! Click the link above or the image below.

advent experience bingo

Are you ready for Advent? It begins this Sunday, December 2nd. Let my favorite season begin. =) 

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!