Homeschooling Field Trips in Texas

We’ve discussed the technical side of Homeschooling in Texas, so now let’s have a little fun. Let’s talk about some of the best field trips in Texas.

I had planned to write about studying Texas History today but our internet has been down and that’s a longer post. 😉 So we’ll mix things up and I’ll come back to Texas History tomorrow.

We love a good field trip! It’s so much more fun to get out in the world and experience it rather than just read about it –and Texas is ripe with opportunities. It would be an impossible undertaking to attempt to list every single field trip option in our great state. I’ll attempt to list more field trips by region, at a later point in the future. For now, let’s just focus on some of the best ones.

Of course, every state has a multitude of wonderful zoos, parks, and museums: the bread and butter of homeschool field trips. So what does Texas have to offer that is truly unique or special to our state?

homeschooling field trips in texas

Historic Field Trips In Texas

The Alamo – San Antonio

Okay, I know this one is expected. I had to list it! It’s a big piece ornate Texas History, though! But the Alamo isn’t the only historical mission of San Antonio. While you’re down there, visit the San Antonio Missions National Historic Park.

Washington-On-The-Brazos State Historic Site – Washington, Texas

Known as the birthplace of Texas, Washington on the Brazos is where delegates met to declare independence from Mexico. There are a number of interesting things to see here, and it’s supposed to be especially beautiful during Bluebonnet season.

Log Cabin Village, Living History Museum – Fort Worth

A “living history” village dedicated to 1800’s log cabin culture, history, and preservation. Each structure is furnished with authentic artifacts and depicts a different aspect of pioneer life, such as a school house, black smith, and grist mill.

Kwahadi Museum of the American Indian – Amarillo

One of the few museums in Texas focusing on the American Indian people, the Kwahadi Museum is filled with beautiful artifacts that give glimpses into the way of life for the peoples of the pueblos and plains.

Heritage Village – Woodville

Another living history village, with 37 historical structures and a main street that’s right out of pioneer life. Get a glimpse of life in East Texas from the mid-1800s to early 1900s. They have a large fall folk life festival in October.

Dallas Heritage Village – Dallas

A collection of over 24,000 artifacts depicting life during the frontier days in Dallas and North Central Texas. They offer a Homeschool Day in October.

Chisholm Trail  Museum – Cleburne

An outdoor museum dedicated to Chisholm Trail, the history of Johnson County, the Cattle Drive, and Jesse Chisholm. Also on site is the Big Bear Native American museum. Check out their Annual Pioneer Day in November.

Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum – Austin

This is an amazing museum! Three floors of Texas History, divided by era. From the first inhabitants to modern day, this museum has it all. When you’re in Austin, you can swing by and visit the Capitol Building, too.

Unique Field Trips In Texas

Bureau of Engraving and Printing – Fort Worth

One of only two in the nation! We took the kids last year and it was quite interesting to learn more about currency, how it’s made, how it is distributed and retired, and so on. Take an audio-guided self tour above the factory floor and see for yourself.

NOAA Sea Turtle Hatchery – Galveston

Located at Historic Fort Crockett. The NOAA lab plays an important role in conservation and recovery of the endangered Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle. Free tours are available on Thursdays but book up quickly so reservations often need to be made months in advance. The NOAA lab also serves many other purposes and has many more attractions to discover.

Johnson Space Center – Houston

To infinity and beyond! (I couldn’t resist.) The Johnson Space Center is a 250,000 square foot educational center, with a huge STEM emphasis, over 400 space artifacts, and a variety of exhibits on the history of space travel.

George Observatory – Houston

There are a lot of observatories in Texas,.. so why is this one on the list? Located at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, the George Observatory has one of the largest telescopes in the nation!

Creation Evidence Museum of Texas – Glen Rose

Many people have heard of the creation museum in Kentucky, but did you know that Texas has one, too? This museum is also next door to Dinosaur Valley State Park, where you can see a number of preserved dinosaur tracks in the riverbed for yourself.

Bluebell Ice Cream Creamery – Brenham

Texans DO love their Blue Bell! Since Texas is home to Blue Bell ice cream, and this is only one of the two Blue Bell creameries in the nation, it seems a fitting way to wrap up a list of fun, unique, field trip opportunities in Texas. (Which reminds me–Texas is also home to the Dr. Pepper Museum in Waco, Texas!)

Make Memories While You Learn

Field trips are more than educational, or fun, they make memories! And my kids often remember things they learned on a field trip more easily than what they read in a book, because fun memories (fun learning) sticks in your brain.

I know I’ve only scratched the surface here. I do have a longer list in my (Ultimate Homeschool Guide to Texas History.) Here, I wanted to include a variety of opportunities all across the state. Speaking of opportunities (shameless plug,) don’t forget to enter my Back to Homeschool Gift Basket giveaway

If you missed the first two posts in the series, you can find them here: 

Have you visited any of these? Would you recommend another field trip that you think should have made the list? 

Hopscotch Summer 2017This 5-Day Series is part of the Summer 2017 Homeschool Hopscotch – a variety collection of 5-Day series. 

To see what everybody else is writing about, just HOP over to this page and then hopscotch your way around the topics as you please. Happy hopping!


Looking for day four? Read: “Homeschooling in Texas: Teaching Texas History.”

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!