Minecraft Gifts

A Guide List for Minecraft Gifts

Raise your hand if your kids like Minecraft? All three of my kids do, and most of their friends as well. Even though it’s been popular for several years, the interest hasn’t died down.

So for my third and final gift list post, of course I have to wrap up with a list of Minecraft gifts! I even got my son in on this one, asking for his input on some of the gift suggestions, and getting him to send some screen shots of a current project he’s working on (some kind of eccentric house in the woods with water elevators and other fun stuff.)

Not surprisingly, my son is my biggest Minecraft fan, though my girls still really enjoy playing, too. It’s something they all do together WITHOUT FIGHTING, as they work on building little projects together. And I really like that part. 😉 He hasn’t asked for anything Minecraft related for Christmas (he’s hoping for some Christmas cash to add to his birthday cash so he can save up some money,) but you can be sure that there will something Minecrafty under the tree. =)


Minecraft Gifts

Minecraft Toys & Games

Minecraft Gifts

Minecraft Apparel & Accessories


Minecraft Home Items

Minecraft Gifts

Minecraft Books Etc.

My kids seem to have a preference for building houses. My son likes to incorporate TNT, glowstone, and water into his home designs. What kinds of things do your kids build? 

*Image Credits: Buddy Oliver =)

Don’t forget to also check out the Doctor Who Gift Guide and the Gift Guide for Marvel Fans.

This post is a part of a Christmas Gift Guide link-up at iHomeschool Network. Check it out.


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!