Mondays for stay-home, homeschooling, mom bloggers are just as much a “MONDAY” as it is for anyone else. I have heard people try to “pooh pooh” that, but it’s true. We have to catch up on chores from Sunday that we didn’t do because of activities or rest or fellowship or all three. We have to jump back into a school routine that nobody is just ITCHING to get to. (We’d rather sleep in late but we aren’t supposed to do that.) We also have check schedules, pay bills, answer emails, write and publish blog posts and get lessons done – all the things related to our “work day” for being mom, wife, homeschool teacher, and blogger. Our Mondays are different than other people’s but they are still very “MONDAY.”

That said: TODAY IS MONDAY. 

And there will be no new Marriage Minute post today. Instead of simply not posting anything today, however, I thought I’d post a quick “update” with all the posts of this series so far, to keep them all in one place.

So, today, no new “She Brings Him Good” post, but instead, you can find all the previous posts in the series here:

Marriage Minute: “She Brings Him Good, Not Harm, All the Days of Her Life”

Marriage Minute: She Brings Him Respect #1

Marriage Minute: The Way We Speak (Respect #2)

Marriage Minute: Respect Your Husband With Trust

Are You Trustworthy? (Part One.) – Marriage Minute

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!