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Buddy Reading Challenge

Just in case you were wondering, I do have a Summer Reading Challenge for my nine year old son, too! He’s already working on it, and doing pretty well.

(I shared the challenge for the 15 year old here and for the 12 year old here.)

Creating a challenge for the boy was a bit trickier, but we came up with a good list. And by the way, I had a highly scientific method for choosing how  many books they each needed to read (it’s two-thirds of their age. Complicated, right?) 😉

His Summer Reading Challenge

1.) The Magic Treehouse: The Knight at Dawn

2.) The Last Superhero

3.) The Spiderwick Chronicles #1

4.) The Borrowers

5.) Flat Stanley

6.) Imagination Station: Voyage with the Vikings

The Challenge Incentive

Again, I’ve kept the same “Motivator” as with my oldest daughter. Yes, money.

Complete the list by the end of:

  • June – Reward $4/each
  • July – Reward $2/each
  • August – Reward $1/each

“Extra Credit:”

  • Write a brief summary of each for an extra $1/each.
  • Write a longer book report of two for an extra $2/each.

Max reward potential: $34

Interestingly, my son was the only one who asked if there could be extra credit (translated- extra money earned.) I figured–why not? When they finish reading their list, whichever month they finish in, they are locked in at that book rate. For every extra *approved* book they read before the end of August (no Cat in the Hat!,) they can get paid for that, too.

We are by no means made of money! But the goal here is to get him to read enough books to develop a taste for what he does and doesn’t like, and to get better and stronger at it. And they are all going to have to work really hard to finish their lists by the end of June. They may surprise me. You may find me selling some used curriculum or spare jewelry later to pay for their reading challenges. 😉

Download the List

If you like this list, you can download it by clicking on the picture below. When the larger image is displayed, right click and save.

Buddy Summer Reading

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!