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I can hardly wait the remaining month until Teach Them Diligently in Dallas! I need this, I really do. I have felt so scatterbrained, unorganized, haphazard and — whatever the opposite of diligent is.

Last year’s convention in Nashville was really wonderful and I’m so, SO, glad they’ve got one in Texas this year.

I’ve registered, I’ve reserved my room, and now I’m making my plan of attack. There are several speakers and vendors I want to make sure I don’t miss. But conventions are also a great opportunity to meet new people and find new materials. Last year I discovered the Homeschool Legacy Once-A-Week Unit Studies. (LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.) Wonder what I’ll find this year?

Some booths you can bet I’ll be browsing: 

A Beka
Answers in Genesis
Alpha Omega
Apologia (LOVE, LOVE, LOVE)
Bright Ideas Press (LOVE, LOVE, LOVE)
Critical Thinking Company
DK Publishing
Life of Fred
Mystery of History (LOVE, LOVE, LOVE)
See the Light

And some speakers I want to try to fit in: 

Debra Bell
Rachael Carman
Kendra Fletcher
Jeannie Fulbright
Brooke McGlothlin
Amy Roberts
Zan Tyler
Israel Wayne
Hal & Melanie Young

I don’t know if I’ll get to fit it all in, but I’m going to try! I enjoy getting to meet some of the people behind the brands I love. I also enjoy the opportunity to get away and spend some time planning and thinking about the upcoming school year. I might even be able to take advantage of some of the convention prices! It’s just all around a good experience.

If you’ve never been to a homeschool convention or conference, I encourage you to try to make this one. This is the LAST TTD conference of 2014!! The Teach Them Diligently conference is a three day experience at a really reasonable price, with a really great mission and heart for the homeschool family. And I’ll be there, too. =)

You need to register soon! The conference is only a month away – June 26-28! And if you want to get the TTD price at the Sheraton, you need to reserve your room ASAP!

See you there?
Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention 2014 Dallas

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!