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Just a quick note!!

Do you like to blog? Do you want to blog? Do you want to make a little bit of money blogging? Do you want to build a ministry blogging? Do you want to build your blog in any way at all? If you have any interest in blogging whatsoever, read on. (If not, share with someone who does!) 

Remember when the women of iHomeschool Network pulled together and wrote the iBlog Book?



And then they did it again and published iBlog Pro.



The amount of information in these two ebooks is almost insane. And these are from real, live, successful, (I know so many of them,) blogging women.

Between April 7th and April 20th you there’s a bundle sale -> You can get both of them together for $11.99. No matter what point you are on in this journey, these books can meet you where you at and help you get where you want to go.

  •  So much has changed since I first started blogging! We just kind of had to pave our own way. But we’ve all been there and done that and can help you avoid some pitfalls and get started on the right foot.
  • Blogging paid for all of our homeschool curriculum last year, plus helped us get in to this house, plus paid a handful of bills. I don’t make enough to support my family or anything but I make enough to really help supplement my husband’s income. There are many different ways to earn a paycheck from blogging and these books (especially iBlog Pro) help walk you through that.
  • I know many women with very successful ministry blogs that aren’t in it for the money but want to know the best way to build a community and encourage other women. These books can help with that, too!
  • Balancing work and home and family and homeschooling is something that we (all of us iHomeschool Network bloggers) have had to learn how to do — and yes, that’s something else these books will talk about.


Learn more about the Books in the Bundle here.

Click here to view more details Sale ends MIDNIGHT on April 20th!



P.S. Yes, I’m an author. Yes, I make commissions on sales. Yes, I stand behind these books– they’re good books with great mounds of helpful content. Only buy them if you’re interested, but buying them now will save you money. <–Official Disclaimer

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!