Big news! I’m a Busy Mom! (Contributor that is.)

And oh, hey, I have a list of 50 Things About Me.

Ok, so I already am a busy momma, but now I am also a contributing writer for The Busy Mom blog. (I am so excited.) (I love to write.) (I love Heidi.) (I will love to write for Heidi!!)


Many of you reading this post already know me but many of you reading today are meeting me for the first time. (Hello!) And some of you are fairly new readers so you may not have gotten to know me very well yet. It’s been a long, LONG, time since I’ve done one of those Lists About Me and I thought, “what better way to give you a snapshot of who I am?” Plus, lists are fun. I love lists.

  1. I love God. (I had to put that first.)
  2. I use the word “love” a lot, I’m an optimist, I blame it on that.
  3. I mostly write about eclectic homeschooling.
  4. I am trying to find more time to write about homemaking and other things.
  5. I do write about homemaking for Homemakers Challenge.
  6. And I also write for the Bright Ideas Press blog.
  7. (So now I’ve covering all the bases, contribute writing for a homemaking blog, a homeschool blog, and a blog for moms.)
  8. I have an ebook. (I hope to write more.)
  9. I love coffee. And dark chocolate. Not necessarily together, but together is fine. =)
  10. I love listening to music.
  11. I don’t like ginger snaps, or anything flavored with ginger.
  12. I also love singing.
  13. Yes, I sing in the shower, too.
  14. My favorite season is Fall.
  15. My least favorite season is Summer (I live in Texas. Enough said!)
  16. I play guitar. I’m okay, not great, but okay.
  17. I write songs sometimes, too, but it’s hard to find time to do that these days.
  18. I write about Marriage… (I kinda fell off that wagon in September.)
  19. I like to read. I like to read classics and historical fiction mostly (if I’m not reading something non-fiction and educational.)
  20. God has done some really. amazing. things. in our marriage!
  21. God brought us through a long, hard, time where my husband didn’t attend church with me, and was resentful of my going.
  22. God brought my husband back to him, and has done more than we ever imagined or expected by leading my husband to seminary.
  23. I am a reformed night owl. (Mostly. I still have days.)
  24. I write about marriage to encourage others because I know how hard marriage can be, I also know how mighty God is!
  25. My favorite holiday is Christmas, or actually, all of Advent!
  26. I love homemade cocoa, just sayin.
  27. Last Christmas, God took care of our house situation and gave us an amazing Christmas present.
  28. I talk a lot. I’m an extrovert. (And so I write a lot, too.)
  29. I do not like being on moving things – motorcycles, airplanes, elevators, roller coasters…
  30. I love singing and playing guitar with my husband. And watching movies with him.
  31. The thing that first attracted me to my husband was his sense of humor. He still makes me laugh.
  32. I don’t really like to cook. (I’m not all that great at it.)
  33. I’m better at baking, but that’s so much trouble. =p
  34. I am a (mostly) reformed “retail therapy” shopper. I have learned to just buy a dark chocolate bar and savor it. 😉
  35. I do so love shopping on Amazon, though! And it’s safer. I can take things back out of the cart if I need to.
  36. I have to two cats and a bird — and six chickens.
  37. I have PMDD, which is like having PMS all the time. I hate the way it makes me feel. =(
  38. I am NOT an outdoors kind of person at all. I don’t like fishing or camping.
  39. I am also not a very good Texan, either – I don’t like cowboy boots or rodeos. 😉
  40. But I do love boots. Fashionable ones.
  41. And shoes. I love shoes. And scarves. And purses.
  42. My husband and I are both self-employed. We are not well off, but we are well blessed!
  43. That cuts into my shoe/scarf/purse budget but I don’t complain. Truly, I am content.
  44. My favorite thing about myself is my hair, my least favorite is my nose (my trendy glasses hide my nose, so I’m good.)
  46. Some of my weaknesses are my temper, my self-consciousness, and my tendency to people-please.
  47. On the other hand, I have strong convictions in my faith, tend to be highly loyal, and I’m fairly easygoing.
  48. I have a “Best Of” page. It needs to be updated, but you can find my favorite and best posts there.
  49. I love board games. My favorites are Scrabble and Scattergories. (No surprise there, right? More WORDS!)
  50. I have met Heidi in person several times. This year I listened to her speak at Apologia Real Refresh in Baltimore and Teach Them Diligently in Nashville, and I’m thrilled to be a part of her new team!

So how’s that for a list?

You can get to know me even better on my About Page, on Facebook, or by Subscribing to my blog. I’m so glad you’re here. Thanks!

To meet the rest of The Busy Mom team being announced today, hop over to Heidi’s blog!


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!