The week with the Twinkies and the tooth extraction (not caused by the Twinkies.)

You may have noticed I’ve been a little MIA the past couple of weeks. (Or maybe not. Maybe only one or two of you did. That’s okay.) I wish I could tell you I’ve been in Hawaii on vacation or something. On the other hand, I don’t like flying at all, so that would probably be just about as fun as the broken tooth that landed me in the dentist chair last Monday.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my dentist.

I just don’t love my teeth–and this tooth in particular, a back molar, didn’t want to play nice.

Some tears, some pain, a handful of anesthetic injections and three hours later, I was less one tooth. I was glad it was over! I *thought* it was over. Because it was a difficult extraction, it was also a difficult recovery.

And to make matters worse — the prescription pain killers made me feel hungover. (I think. I don’t actually know what that feels like. But that would be my guess.)  I couldn’t even sit up in bed for more than a minute; it was bad. Even after I stopped taking the pain meds and relied on my trusty Ibuprofen and Tylenol, I was exhausted. I slept so much. And then I slept some more. I have had two other extractions and they were no where near this rough.

Oh, and it’s also important to note: That was also our first day of school (OH YES IT WAS.)

Every year we make a big deal out of the first day of the new official school year – and this year I really went all out. I had THE BEST IDEA, if I do say so myself. So when my tooth broke on Sunday afternoon, I decided “the show must go on.”

I decorated while the kids were sleeping, I got up early and made a fun breakfast, the kids got dressed in their new school outfits, I called the dentist as soon as they opened and we did a little bit of school work until it was time for me to go at ten. Needless to say, the rest of the day didn’t quite go as planned, nor did the rest of the week.

But we DID have a lot of fun on Monday, even after I got back (before the anesthetic wore off and the meds kicked in.) And we did do our best to get *some* school work done this week. The kids took great care of me those first couple of days. So now you know why I disappeared! But that’s just how my week began. It did get better. =)

In our homeschool this week…

Our first week of the new year got off to a rough start, but fortunately, we ease back in to school anyway and didn’t plan to do a full load. We didn’t quite get as much done as I planned, but we did get a start and that’s something. =)

Back to School minions

Our school year kicked off with a Back to School “Minion” themed party. It was SO MUCH FUN. In fact, so much fun that I’m going to write a whole post about it so stay tuned for that post tomorrow!


We started our “easy” first week by continuing our lessons in The Young Peacemaker, doing math and language arts, making a trip to the library to get books for the next chapter in our Westward Ho! unit study and continuing in our Dinosaur Days unit study from Winter Promise. One fun new thing: Princess has been trying out some new math instruction from Uzinggo! In the middle of a math lesson the other day she turned to me and said, “Mom, I like this.” Also, we tried desperately to fit in our new The Sorcerer’s Apprentice CD from Maestro Classics but I kept crashing and needing a nap before we finished our school work. There’s always next week.

We also got the Usborne books I earned off my online party and THEY ARE SO COOL. Thank you! I’ll share those with you next week. =)

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…

When you hit a rough spot with a kid — seek advice from other trusted homeschoolers!! I had a “butting heads” kind of moment at the beginning of the week with Alexander over his math. He’s so much more of a natural at math than I am, he SEES math in a completely different way. After running our dilemma by some friends who either have kids like him or are that way with math themselves, I got some great advice. It’s nice not to butt heads over learning. =)

Things I’m working on…

  • RelaxedArtCover1Lots of things around the house – James and I are buckling down on getting some projects finished
  • Fully recovering (I’m still regularly taking Ibuprofen and Tylenol to keep the pain at bay. Each day I’m a little better.)
  • I relaunched my “old” ebook – I was too drugged up to really tell you about it. I edited and reworked it, renamed it, redesigned the cover, and made it a lot better. I haven’t figured out how to swap it out on Amazon yet. Hang on, that will be done this week.
  • I just took on some added duties at the church, things God wants me to do, and I’m excited!

Something I am ogling or have my eye on…

I am determined to buy myself a new camera for my blog. I had intended to do that already, but I just spent a ton of money at the dentist, and before that it was something else. I’ve had a Casio Exilim camera sitting in my Amazon cart just waiting, and now I’m going to buckle down and make it a priority (barring further emergencies. Lord, have mercy on me, please no more emergencies for a little while. Amen.)

Other Things of Interest:

Other pictures from this week (do you follow me on Instagram?)

SO. How did YOUR week go? Have you started back to school yet? No dental emergencies for you, I hope?

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!