by Classic Housewife

Eclectic Homeschool

What is Eclectic Homeschooling?

Eclectic Homeschooling is a lot more than just being indecisive and having trouble making up your mind. (Though I often fit that description!)

Eclectic Homeschooling is about intentionally choosing the methods, curriculum styles, and approaches that fit your family best.

  • Will you sit in desks, at the table or on the couch?
  • Will you use unit studies, workbooks or computer programs?
  • Will you teach Latin? School year round? Let the kids take the lead?

There are so many questions you will ask yourself (or be asked) as you homeschool your children. Many homeschoolers I know are a blend of at least two different significant approaches, though many others are true to one major approach that fits them best.

Eclectic Homeschoolers examine and re-examine and select each piece to fit their family best from so many different sources that they can’t say they stick to only one method, or even two. If you’ve drawn from a variety of sources, methods and styles, you my friend are an eclectic homeschooler!

We go where the learning is. Sometimes that’s a table. Sometimes it’s a desk or a couch.

We love living books, great classics and well written novels–rich text with great vocabulary and content.

We enjoy workbooks, computer games, art projects and science experiments.

We do a little notebooking, mapping and copywork.

We learn Bible, science, history, art & music together as a group across multiple ages.

We take interest, skill level, world view and learning style into consideration for each child.

We are truly eclectic.
(I even wrote a little ebook about it.) 

For more information about eclectic schooling, you can check out these posts here:

Top Ten Signs You Might Be an Eclectic Homeschooler

Homeschool Q & A With Classic Housewife

Multiple Ages: How to Plan a Group Subject With One Text

Homeschool Methods

Everything You Need for Eclectic Homeschool History Curriculum

Or scroll through these posts here:

faith-based eclectic curriculum

In Which I Attempt To Think About Curriculum: Our Faith-Based Eclectic Approach (With A Little Giveaway)

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How to Naturally Work Geography Into Learning

How to Naturally Work Geography Into Learning

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Everything You Need For Eclectic Homeschool History Curriculum

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WonderMaps for Relaxed Geography

*This post contains affiliate links.*  At the time of this writing, I was a WonderMaps Brand Ambassador. Though contractually I ...

10 Pros and Cons of Eclectic Homeschooling

The Sweet Side of Eclectic Homeschool (The Benefits) 1.)  You can tailor each child's learning experience specific to their needs ...

Top Ten Signs You Might Be An Eclectic Homeschooler

There are LOTS of reasons why I choose eclectic homeschooling... I call myself a "Pick & Choose" homeschooler. {If you're ...

ABCs of Homeschooling ~ Methods

In many ways, I'm a "black and white" kind of girl. It's either hot OR cold, good OR bad, right ...