Okay, okay, I know today is Monday,.. the weekend is gone already. I started writing this post on Friday and it just needed a few pictures. No sense *not* publishing a post that’s already written–right? So here’s our wrap for last week (which turned out to be a pretty good week….)

In my life this week…

What a busy, but in the end very good, week! I began the week just sick and miserable. Monday I thought I was going to need a root canal! But then it became apparent I was working on a pretty serious sinus infection and that was causing the tooth pain. By Thursday I felt much better and was able to attend and lead our small group of Summer Bible Study Ladies through the first chapter of Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. It went great! The icing on the cake Thursday was winning a ticket to the Apologia Real Refreshment Sampler at the Teach Them Diligently Marketplace (for which I already won a ticket, too!) It’s official — I’ll be going to both in Dallas in July. See you there?

Friday and Saturday evening brought Vacation Bible School at a friend’s church, including a sleepover with a VBS friend for Drama Queen on Saturday night, a birthday party bash at a friend’s house for Princess on Saturday night, and way too much sugar. 😉

In our homeschool this week…

We are still doing school over the summer, but school was rough at the beginning of the week, needless to say. Things picked up by the end of the week.

We learned about:

We finished the second book in the Apologia “What We Believe Series,” Who Am I?, and we began working through the book, The Young Peacemaker. (Oh that is going to be SO good!) We studied early Japan in history, and we are wrapping up our Apologia Zoology notebooking for the chapter on marsupials.


School was fun because:

We’re expecting the Maestro Classics “Mike Mulligan” in the mail soon, and I felt the need to order a new copy of the book since ours has certainly seen MUCH BETTER DAYS. It’s been well used. The cheapest copy on Amazon was actually a “travel kit” with stickers and some other things. That arrived in the mail and the kids were very excited  — it’s always exciting to find an Amazon box on your door step. 😉

For art class we:

We didn’t get to actual “art class” this week.. but earlier this week I set up a youtube playlist for Little Prince with some origami tutorials. All three kids have had fun with origami this week. Princess also drew a portrait for a friend and both learned to make friendship bracelets. We’ll get back to art class next week. =)

My favorite thing this week was…

Friday evening while the kids were at VBS, my husband and I went up to the church for worship rehearsal since James was on “worship duty” this week while our pastor (and worship leader) is out of town. Before everyone else arrived for rehearsal, I had a lot of fun playing my husband’s guitar while he practiced on the pastor’s guitar and running through the worship songs with him. I am really loving and enjoying what God has been doing in our lives lately. =)

My kiddos favorite thing this week was…

VBS, sleepovers and parties!

Things I’m working on…

Around the house:

Well, I have to catch up on housework after being sick, but that’s a given. 😉 I’m also tackling a project dresser that I think is going to turn out AMAZING and I can’t wait to finish it and show it to you.


For the blog:

I have a couple of reviews in the works for you! Stay tuned to hear about our experiences with Lilla Rose clips and Maestro Classics! I’m also working on a couple of bigger projects – including a relaunch of Princess’ blog. Also coming soon, another ebook and some other collaborative projects. Lots of stuff in the works!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…


As we were finishing up the last chapter in Who Am I, one line really stood out to me. I love it. I want to hang it up on the wall or something. =)

“It’s not what you do that determines who you are,
it’s who you are that determines what you do.”



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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!