Marriage Minute ~ Follow His Lead

Sometimes I have trouble letting my husband lead. This is partly due to the fact that I like to lead, and partly due to the fact that for a while in our marriage, my husband didn’t do much spiritual leading. During that time, I tried to make sure that I stayed open to the possibility that he could begin leading spiritually so that I was ready to go wherever he might lead whenever he finally did.

At one point in our marriage, I felt God asking me to step out on faith, make myself ready to follow, and tell my husband that I was ready and available. I knew God was working on his heart and pulling him back into church and into a deeper relationship with Him. I also knew that my husband didn’t enjoy the church I was attending, and that he doubted my sincerity about following him away from that church. But God was telling me to show him that I was sincere and waiting to follow, and so I left that church, and I tried out another as I waited. Until one day my husband said, “let’s go to that church today.” And I was ready. And we went.

Two and a half years ago, my husband led us, together, as a family, to a new church. A little over a year ago he led us to a new church again and it became our home. I have told him (and I mean it) that I will follow him ANYWHERE that he truly feels God is calling him to take us… I’m not in the business of arguing with God.  😉

Since then, I’ve watched God do amazing things in my husband’s heart and I’ve watched him grow in his role of spiritual leader. But here’s the thing. For my husband to lead, I have to be ready and willing. Sometimes that’s easier than other times. But when I’m fighting that, I catch myself and I remind myself to stop. If I want my husband to be able to be the kind of leader that God is calling him to be, that I desire for him to be, then I have to be available to follow his lead.

For more about Marriage Minute, check here.

Background Image Source Credit: Autumn Forest Path by George Hodan

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!