The calendar is quickly counting down the days of February and with each passing day my stomach twists tighter into knots!! Why? Because at the beginning of March, I’ll be flying to Baltimore for the Apologia Real Refreshment Retreat!

Am I excited? YES!

But I’m terrified! I’m FLYING! Alone!

I know people think I’m exaggerating when I try to express how nervous I am about this. Y’ALL. I’m being completely truthful here. I’m not a traveler, I’m not an adventurer, and I’m not comfortable doing things I’m not familiar with – especially alone! Is it the flying? Yes, it is. I don’t like the feel of flying, but it’s also the unknown of the flying process. I’ve traveled by air once (both ways obviously) about 7 years ago. I had a 6 month old, baby brain and all I had to do was follow my husband and go where he told me to go. …. I have no idea what I am doing. And. I. Am. Scared.

Nonetheless, I am going. Why? Because it will be worth it and I won’t regret it. Because I can’t wait to see Liz and the Apologia peeps again. Because after attending the conference in Austin in 2011, I know that I will be blessed. So I’m going and I’m REALLY looking forward to it (even though I have to travel alone by plane to get there!)

In case you wondering what would possess a person who is so terrified to step out of her comfort zone to get there to go through with it and take that leap… well, let me tell you. =)

5 Reasons I’m Looking Forward to The Real Refreshment Retreat

1.) To Get Away

Not that I don’t love my family and all.. but have you ever tried to think (like REALLY DEEPLY THINK) in the middle of actively parenting and sorting squabbles? I can’t do it. That’s one of the reasons that my morning quiet time is so important to me. To be able to wake up while sitting in the quiet, reading God’s word, being able to hear my thoughts, meditate on God’s word and His will, pray in peace… this is my foundation for the day. Getting away for a whole weekend? To think and pray and meditate on God’s will for our homeschool?? It’s wonderful. Oh – and getting away to a lovely hotel with lovely food? Even better. =)

2.) To Fellowship and Worship With Like-Minded Moms

The Real Refreshment Retreats are more than just a conference, it’s full of praise and worship and fellowship, too. To gather together with a group of like-minded women and sing praises to our Lord is always refreshing. I really enjoy that this is a big part of the retreat.

3.) To Be Refreshed By The Wisdom of Some Titus 2 Homeschool Women

The speakers! These ladies have traveled the homeschool road ahead of us and they are willing to share their wisdom with us! We are wise to heed the words and teachings of the Titus 2 women in our lives. Many of them are in our lives around us, some of them we meet online and some we listen to at retreats. =)

4.) To Focus and Pray On God’s Purpose For Our Homeschool

I can’t say how much I love that there are prayer times BUILT IN. And again as I said.. it’s quiet! I can pray without interruption, I can listen to the Holy Spirit and I can reflect on my purpose – the purpose that God has for me, to use me, and for our homeschool.

5.) To Meet The Other Bloggers. =)

I’d by lying if I didn’t say that a part of the fun and excitement is meeting the other bloggers that will be going – it is! I’ve met them online, and now I’ll get to meet them in person!! How fun will that be?!

So will it be worth the traveling? Yes. (Do I still wish they had one I could drive to – of course. =p) But there’s no turning back now! And I’m looking forward to going.. once I get there and get off that plane. 😉

Will you be there? If you’re going to be at the Baltimore retreat, let me know!
If you have any questions, let me know that, too…

Two weeks and two days and counting!!! Eeep!!

Disclosure: Apologia is bringing me up there with a handful of other bloggers to live blog the retreat. It wouldn’t be right to not mention that, but it wasn’t really hard to decide! I want to go, I had so much fun at the last one, and I am thrilled at the opportunity.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!