In my life this week…

In a lot of ways, this was just a really off week. The kids bickered all week. Princess ate enough to feed two people and slept in late nearly every morning. I said I thought I was coming down with something, then hubby did come down with something, and I developed a sinus headache that would not quit. I still think I’m fighting off some kind of sinus cold or something.

On the other hand, I accomplished a lot of unpacking and reorganizing and other work done around the house, we made lotion bars with a friend, and the kids did some really fun art projects. That part wasn’t so bad. =)

In our homeschool this week…

We learned about:

We only reviewed Mystery of History and Apologia science this week, but we began a new chapter in our worldview book, “Who Am I?” by Apologia. We’re enjoying learning about using our emotions and making wise decisions to serve God. My son is especially enjoying the analogy with the knights and their armor and weaponry. Anything with swords and shields is cool. 😉

School was fun because:

I finally figured out that the best approach for us with our science notebooking is to read through the chapter, do the experiment, and then spend time doing the notebooking, worksheets and mini books all in one sitting (or two) as review – as opposed to trying to do a little piece of lesson and a little piece of the notebooking journal each day. When we sit down to do it all at once, all together, I find the kids naturally turning it into a group session, helping each other and reminding each other of the different things that have learned. And on top of that, they do it – JOYFULLY, with no complaining! It’s fun! This, to me, is PRICELESS. I stumbled upon this by accident (read that as laziness) with the last chapter, and tried it again intentionally with this chapter. Love it. It’s here to stay.

For art class we:

Spring is coming! Many people started celebrating Lent this week. Easter will be here soon! In art this week, we watched the Crossmaker DVD (by See the Light) and we did one of the included art lessons. The kids had so much fun with this! Warning: Three kids drawing with permanent markers may exaggerate pre-existing headaches. 😉 Open the doors and windows, you’ll be fine. 😉 The kids had to work together to gather supplies, sometimes taking turns with markers or sponge brushes, and work together to clean up the mess. That was a nice bonus. = )

My favorite thing this week was…

I enjoyed spending time with a friend and chatting while we made lotion bars. It had been a while since we’d been able to just hang out and talk. It was fun making the lotion bars, too! {Stay tuned for a post about the lotion bars next Wednesday!}

My other favorite thing about the week was losing more weight. Woot, woot! I’m down 2.5 pounds since I weighed myself for the first time in a long time, at the beginning of February. (I’m blogging about that every Tuesday.)

My kiddos favorite thing this week was…

Princess – spending time with her friend while we mother made the lotion bars.

Drama Queen – the See the Light art project.

Little Prince – getting a surprise package in the mail, in which was included the Dangerous Book for Boys!

Things I’m working on…

Around the house:

This past week: I did a lot of moving stuff/unpacking/setting up in our master bedroom and bathroom, finally setting up the tv and dvd player on top of the big dresser in our room so hubby and I can watch movies, and also finally organizing under hubby’s bathroom sink. I painted the wall I primed last weekend, the wall that we built for Princess’ room, and also the hallway wall opposite.

Coming up this week: I need to finish the black trim in the kitchen, as well as the island and its doors, I need to paint the bar cabinet/doors, do some more setting up/organizing in the school area now that the wall is painted, and move the rest of the remaining stuff in the old house.

For the blog:

BIG NEWS! Next week (tomorrow, Monday the 18th) my ABC’s ebook will be available at Bundle of the Week in a homeschooling bundle of 5 ebooks for only $7.40. The four other books? Amazing. Come back tomorrow for the complete list, I’ll tell you all about it!!
{This site is pretty new, but it’s a great affiliate opportunity, too. They put up a new bundle of related books each week. Check out their affiliate program.}

I’m cooking…

I didn’t cook anything interesting this week.. we ate a lot of “sick food” (aka “lazy food”.) Chicken noodle soups, canned fruit, yogurt, juice. It was hard to stick to my diet, too. But it’s a new week. =)

But check out this awesome salad I ate at my friend’s house before we got to work on the lotion bars. This is my favorite kind of eating!!

Something I am ogling or have my eye on…

I saw these two ideas on Pinterest, and I’m mulling them over for the big wall behind the couch.

A new twist on a gallery wall.   ~  A wall shelf along the back of the couch.

What do you think?


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!