Another week is down! (And I’m glad to see it go.. it did not go well as far as Healthy Habits is concerned!)

This week had so many setbacks and hurdles!

  • For different reasons I went to bed too late on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Not enough sleep catches up with you! Starting on Tuesday I found it impossible to get up on time or even at a decent time and found myself needing more sleep for the whole rest of the week! Waking up late cost me my Supposed-To-Be-Exercise Time, and many days my Quiet Time also. BOO.
  • Tuesday night the kids misplaced the iPod. The iPod Touch is what quickly and easily connects me to My Fitness Pal to log my food and activity. I can do it on the computer, but I’m less likely, I forgot the password and it’s more difficult. Instead of tracking my food, I spent my time looking for the iPod, which we still haven’t found. I should have just gotten on the computer and done it!
  • Bedtime routines and going to bed with a tidy house also suffered because of my fatigue in the evenings.

The good news is that with a few nights of going to bed on time, I was able to get up very close to on time again this morning. Finally! And that even though I wasn’t tracking my food, I was still trying to eat like I *was* going to find the iPod and plug it in for the day. So there’s that. Oh, and I finally managed to exercise this morning. It was a wee bit. But it was a start. =)

So what do you do when you fall of the Healthy Horse? You get back on right? This is a new week. There are new opportunities to succeed and conquer this week. Let’s do this!

Let’s check in on those Healthy Habits:

1.) Go to bed and get up on time. – In bed around 11, up at 6:30 a.m.
2.) Start my day with time with the Lord. – About 30 minutes, reading straight through the bible.
3.) Use my food/activity diary with with my iPod app. 
– If you want to join me, my username is “mrsamberoliver.” Come find me!)
4.) Drink enough water.
– 8 glasses a day or more.
5.) Weigh and measure myself at the beginning of the week.
– The goal is to keep an eye on it, not to obsess over it.
6.) Make healthy eating choices.
– Choosing healthy foods over less healthy ones, leave the unhealthy things alone.
7.) Be diligent with the kids’ bed routine, story time, prayer time, in bed on time
– so that they get enough sleep to be healthy, too!
8.) Go to bed with a tidy house.
– This helps the next day get off to a great start!
9.) Add exercise time to the morning.
– Working up to 20 minutes every day or almost every day.

New this week:
10.) No added sugar! – For a week or maybe two, to break that crave and kickstart my weight loss (hopefully.)

For some accountability, I’ve teamed up with Dollie’s Health Habits weekly link on her blog, Teachers of Good Things.

What hurdles are you overcoming this week? Tell me in the comments!

Also, Link up a post and join in:

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!