In which we attempted to return to routine.. and mostly succeeded. Mostly.

In my life this week…

Life returned mostly to “normal” this week (whatever that is) and we strived to achieve our daily routine of getting up, eating breakfast and getting busy with school. There were a couple of days where our “getting busy” was more like “starting at lunch time” but we got it in! Not surprisingly, we have to do a bit of review to get going again – I expected that. We also returned to our bi-monthly bible study habit (with my mom and my grandmother) and we got some more settling in and painting done around the house. A productive week. =)

In our homeschool this week…

Little Prince eagerly practiced reading and phonics with the Word Pockets without much of a fuss.
We watched an interesting documentary about wolverines.
Princess surprised me with how well she jumped back into her Pre-Algebra book.
Drama Queen started reading 101 Dalmations and Princess started reading All Creatures Great and Small.
We studied caniforms in science, Diocletian in history, why God gave us emotions in worldview and practiced our new verse of the week (Proverbs 21:23.)

My favorite thing this week was…

We celebrated my husband’s birthday this week. We had a nice day together as a family, along with his dad and step-mom.

My kiddos favorite thing this week was…

James’ dad bought party hats and horns and confetti poppers for the birthday supper, just to be funny. The kids had a blast with that. =)

Things I’m working on…

Blog posts: got my Marriage Minute series up and running again, wrote and submitted my first post as a contributor to Homemakers Challenge, working on the February Mommy Time party, and a couple of other things.

House: painted the rest of the master bedroom except for trim.

Other: working on my daily morning quiet time habit.

I rewarded my kids this week by…

We stayed up late on Friday night and watched The Lorax on Netflix, just for fun. We hadn’t seen it, and they enjoyed staying up late for movie night.

Something I am ogling or have my eye on…

I have a lot of things on my wishlist, since moving into this house. You find things like, “we need another trash can here and another laundry basket there.” And there are things like I’d like new curtains for that room and new bathroom accessories for that room. Of course, I can’t run out and buy them all at once!
This week we painted our room a really bright blue, and now I have my eye on new curtains and bedding. (You knew that was going to happen – right?) Thing is, when we upgraded to a king size bed last year, we bought one set of sheets, and we’re still using our old queen sized comforter. So we really could use a second set of sheets and a bigger blanket. ;0)
I’m thinking something black and white like this, with some bright blue sheets to match our walls:

A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…

I shared a few photos from our week on Instagram.. if you don’t follow me there you can check it out!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!