Marriage Monday is back!

Marriage Monday has also had a facelift. Last year, I began blogging about marriage on Mondays because it is important to me. I started blogging through the list of characteristics I’d made at the beginning of the year, and you may recall that when I put Marriage Monday on hold before the holidays, I was only on letter T. I hope you won’t be disappointed if I don’t finish the rest of those letters. (You’re probably not as OCD as I am when it comes to stuff like that anyway!)

The new “Marriage Monday” is now “Marriage Minute” — the obvious implication there is that I am going to strive to keep my marriage ramblings much shorter. I tend to write about marriage with great length because it’s really important to me! And it’s important to me that I use this blog to not only encourage you as homeschoolers or as moms but also as wives.

What will you find in Marriage Minute? My goal is to provide a short thought to encourage you in your marriage walk. Simple, right? You’ll also find the weekly linky that I’ve been offering. I invite you to write something short and encouraging about marriage each Monday and come link up with me. No prompts, just whatever God puts on your heart. (Or link something you’ve recently written somewhere else in the week, whichever.)

Invest in your marriage.

My thought for this week is simple. Invest in your marriage. Let’s be intentional, thoughtful, and wise. This will look different for each of us, but it’s important that we spend time investing in and building our marriage up. It’s worth it.

Original Photo Source: Penny Money

There’s no linky this week, I didn’t want to spring that on you. Please join me next Monday! If you want to link up with Marriage Minute, feel free to use any of the “Marriage Minute” buttons. See you soon!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!