It’s tradition here for me to pick a word for the new year. It’s not quite like New Year Resolutions, and it’s not like I know what the new year will bring or think I will be able to alter my future in any way. It’s more like taking the time to meditate on what God is doing in my life right now and thinking about how I want to grow or learn in the upcoming year and then choosing a word to sum that all up.

Be Transformed.

Last year’s word was Transformation; it certainly was a year of changing and growing! Of course it was a year of many things, but letting God change us, our hearts, our lives–that was a big one. I failed a lot in my own eyes when it comes to individual bible study – I had good habits sometimes and then lost them all for other times. On the other hand, it was a great year for growth in group study. I joined and attended the women’s bible study group at church, I began meeting with my mom and grandmother for bi-monthly bible study, and I enjoyed learning and growing with our adult Sunday morning class at church. And the transformation in my husband’s heart this year has been incredible. What God began the year before, he watered and grew and flourished over the course of the year. In a few weeks, my husband will begin taking a local seminary class! Naturally, we are always changing and growing, and though that was a key theme in 2012, we will surely continue to be transformed by the Word in 2013.

For His Purpose

My new word for the new year is “Purposeful.” I meditated and thought on that one for a while and I kept coming back to it in both senses of the word: being purposeful and doing things intentionally, and also being full of purpose and having purpose. And as I think on that, it kind of makes sense to go from growth into usefulness. I’ve already done this in some ways, but I feel a sense of increase on the horizon.

We are beginning this new year in a new, larger and better home – that we will be able to use to serve God and for His glory. We plan to use this home to increase and practice our hospitality toward others, to grow and foster relationships with our Christian friends, to spend more time with family members and strengthen those bonds, to continue to grow and nurture our habits of being good stewards of what God has given us, and so much more. We are also beginning this new year with some convictions and desires to serve God more in our church, and of course, James through his studies and his classes (which who knows where that will eventually lead!) God has been doing things in our hearts to learn more, lead more, serve more, give more — with whatever opportunities and resources that we have available to us. Additionally, I also feel convicted to be more purposeful and intentional in my actions and my time – around my home, with my children, with my friends, etc – not wasting time, taking things for granted, or making decisions flippantly.

I don’t know what God has in store for me and my family, and I certainly know that it may be very different from MY plans. There were many things I’d hoped to do in 2012 that didn’t happen, but there are so many things that did happen that I never expected! Plans change and you never know what God is going to put on your heart.

I’m looking forward to 2013 because in a lot of ways it feels like a new beginning for us. I am eager to see what God will do, where He will lead us, how He will bless and provide, and what we learn.

Do you choose words for the new year? What is it? If you have a post about it, feel free to share it in the comments.

Photo Credit: Attribution Some rights reserved by the yes man

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!