What’s the difference between a thoughtful act and an act of kindness? I’m not sure if there is one but I’m going to say that it’s a difference of forethought. Holding the door to the post office open for someone else when you get there at the same time is an act of kindness (not to mention, good manners.) Taking your gently used kids’ clothing to a family on tight budget is an act of thoughtfulness – you specifically thought of them and sought to do something kind or helpful for them. Kindness make us smile, thoughtfulness makes us feel all warm and fuzzy.

Of course I want to be kind AND thoughtful to my husband.. but I want to make sure that I do think ahead and put some thought into some of things that I do for him, to make him feel loved and special. Something like: making a pot of hot soup or a mug of hot chocolate to welcome him in from doing yard work in the cold, or making an effort to get the kids in bed a little bit early one night for some extra time with hubby before bed.

As we’ve said before, our husbands are all different. Mine doesn’t particularly like it when I move his things so cleaning his desk or his nightstand for him is not going to come across as ‘thoughtful’ as much as ‘frustrating.’ ;0) You know your husband best and you know what’s wise and what’s not. So I don’t want you comparing yourself to anyone else and what anyone else does for their husband, okay?

The point is.. you like feeling special, right?? So does your husband. Between all the kids and chores and meals and bills.. our time is limited and rushed and often stressed. A little thoughtful act here and there can go a long way. Find something thoughtful you can do for your husband this week!

If you would like to join in, the rules are simple. Link up an encouraging post about marriage with the direct url to the post. Next week’s word is “Understanding” Join us then for more Marriage Monday!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!