Free Math Resources

Math: You love it or you hate it. Math gets a bad rap. What’s wrong with math? Okay, okay, I hear you. It’s hard for me, too. But math is consistent, there’s always a pattern, there’s always a right answer. I kinda love that part. =)

Math is something that we *do* spend a certain amount of money on here at our house – mostly because I’m *not* very good at it, and also because my oldest isn’t either. But had God not provided the money for her Teaching Textbooks curriculum (everybody say OUCH for that price tag!!), or for the Horizons math for the other two, here are some free math resources we could have used.

Some of these we *have* used in the past, some we still use for supplement, and some are new to me but I have them saved for future reference.

10 Free Math Resources

1. MasterMath – a free, complete, online Middle School Math curriculum! Video lessons, worksheets, quizzes, exams. Grades 6-8

2. Free Daily Calendar Notebook download – download, print, bind. Daily date writing, temperature recording, graphing, and more. Great for Pre-K & Kinder, up into early elementary.

3. MathABC – Free online math practice for essential skills. (Games make math fun!) Grades 1-6.

4. Timez Attack  – This is what my kids use(d) to strengthen their math facts. They have a free version AND a paid version. They began with multiplication but also now have Addition, Subtraction and Division!! The free version is perfectly adequate, but the paid version is cooler. that’s pretty much the only difference.

5. Free Math Program – Click on the grade level and progress through the different lessons, do it together on the screen or print the worksheet (pdf.) Grades 1-5

6. Math911 (Algebra)- Free downloadable modules, in the left sidebar, scroll down to find them.

7. Dads Worksheets – over 7,000 worksheets neatly organized by topic. Grades: Beginning math through pre-algebra and geometry

8. Math Tv – Very cool site with tutorial videos for a variety of concepts. The videos are free, they also offer (paid) online and print textbooks (and they have videos for all of the questions in every one!) Grades –  I would say middle and upper grades.

9. Khan Academy – They offer a large variety of video tutorials. Select a category under “Browse our library” and narrow down the topics to find the concept you need demonstrated. Or, click on “Practice your math skills” to use their free exercises. OR, sign up for a free account and have your child work through the free exercises.

10. Math Games at Sheppard’s Software – Fun games for extra practice on everything from early math to algebra and geometry.

Also – Check out  my Math Pin Board! Lots of free and crafty ideas for teaching different concepts and always being updated with new ideas. Wanna save this post for later? Repin it.

Did you miss my 10+ Free Language Arts post? Language Arts resources for K-12.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!