Last May I had the opportunity to attend the Mommy Time Facebook party (by Tabitha at Meet Penny) where we discussed great “Mom” things like helping our kids eat healthy and stay fit. The two-hour prize-filled party was so much fun.

It’s my pleasure to announce that this month I will not only be ATTENDING the Mommy Time Party, but I will be HOSTING one of the four time zones on my Facebook page. Yes — FOUR. There will be a party at 8pm in every time zone!

You don’t have to LIVE in that time zone to attend, but we want to make sure there is a convenient party time for everyone in the continental U.S. (For my Central time zone friends who know that I also live in the Central time zone, you can come party with me at 10 o’clock our time!)

Let me introduce you to the Mommy Time Facebook Party cohosts:


Jill at Blessed Beyond a Doubt
Topic: Biblical Character in Children

Penny at Meet Penny
Topic: Behavior and Discipline

Sarah at Sidetracked Sarah
Topic: Organizing

Amber at A Classic Housewife in a Modern World
Topic: Chores and Allowances

And what’s a party without gifts?

Each of us have been busy working to gather sponsors and gifts each of our categories. Y’ALL. PRIZES.

Sponsor/Giveaway #1

Motivated Moms; 2 winners – Motivated Moms planners (printable or app from itunes)

Sponsor/Givaway #2

Angie Kauffman (Many Little Blessings, The Homeschool Classroom and Catholic Mothers Online); 1 winner – Training Your Children in Home Economics, ebook.

Sponsor/Giveaway #3

Judy Helm Wright, Artichoke Press; 1 winner – Kids, Chores & More, ebook and 15 minutes coaching time on a homeschool/kids/chores related question.

Sponsor/Giveaway #4

You Rule Chores; 11 winners – You Rule, A Game of Chores app (from itunes)


All those giveaways coming soon.. but for now there’s one prize that you can go ahead and sign up for! RSVP for the party and submit your questions (please submit your questions) and you will be entered in a drawing for a $50 Amazon Gift Card.

Check out it:

RSVP and Enter to Win $50

Put in your reservation for the Mommy Time Facebook Party and on that day you will receive a reminder email. On the form, you can even ask any questions you have related to each topic. Those questions will be listed during the party for our experts and other mothers to answer.

By submitting your RSVP, you are entered for a chance to win a $50 gift card to!

Privacy Policy ~ Your email address is secure! We will not use it for any purpose other than to email you a reminder and to notify you if you win.
Legal Disclosure – The RSVP giveaway is not associated with Facebook in any way. The act of liking a Facebook page or attending the party is not required to win. The RSVP form will close at 8 PM EASTERN on August 21st. The winner will be selected by and will be notified by email. If the winner does not respond to the email within 48 hours, another winner will be selected.
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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!