For the last week of the iHomeschool Network themed 10 Weeks of Top Ten posts at Many Little Blessings, the theme is “things about me.”

Well, that’s really broad. But school is coming up, I’ve got several projects I’m working on and some other changes going on right now, so how about ten things I’ve got going on in my life right now?

  1. Our wedding anniversary is coming up! On August 1st, we’ll have been married for FOURTEEN years!
  2. Also on August 1st, I’ll be releasing my very first ebook.
  3. I already know what I’m going to do for my next ebook (but I’m not telling.) =p I have two other big projects to work on before then. Something for August, something for October and then an ebook by December. My blog is growing and God has been leading me and blessing my blog ever since I prayed about it, created a “mission statement,” and gave it all over to HIM.
  4. Our first day of school this year will be August 20th — over the next few weeks I’ll be ordering our school books! I do most of my ordering from Amazon or direct sites. Some of our curriculum will be purchased with money that I’ve made as an Amazon affiliate, and with Amazon gift cards earned through Swagbucks!
  5. I also have some used curriculum to get rid of so I’ll be busy posting those for sale. (I’m always late on getting that done! I should have had them listed already. I do have pics up on my Facebook page.. I’m not sure if that’s okay, so I’m going to list them somewhere else and take these down.)
  6. As of last Wednesday, I’m eating healthy (and soon to be exercising) and working on losing some weight and getting healthier. I’ve already lost 1.2 pounds since joining My Fitness Pal last Wednesday! (Actually, I’ve lost more than that but it’s not time to weigh in again.) =p I’m working on finding some people to work out with. I do better when I have company and accountability.
  7. I love music, I’ve always loved to sing. This week is full of  music practice. When there are 5 Sundays in a month, we have a 5th Sunday Singing Night of worship at our church. The girls are practicing songs to sing and Drama Queen is practicing the guitar for Here I Am to Worship. I’ve been helping them but we really need to work on this a lot over the next 5 days!
  8. With all of the time that I spent finishing up my ebook over the past week, I’m really behind on housework. YUCK. Guess what else I’ll be doing a lot of this week?
  9. This week is also VBS week at a former church, every evening this week I’ll drop the kids off for two hours, which does mean a lot of coming and going but also means that I have two hours to spend on whatever I want. ;0) (Or more likely, some housework and blog work.)
  10. I love making lists! The best list making is done on pretty paper with a smooth pen. But making lists about myself is hard! I have done it before, though: Here’s a list of 100 Things from 2010. (And there’s more on my “Best of” page and in my Me, Myself & I category.)

For more Top Ten lists, go visit Angie!


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!