First Day of School TraditionsSeveral years ago we started the tradition of having a first day of school “party” full of fun and silliness, to mark the occasion. Last year’s party was last minute and ill-planned so I want to redeem myself this year. 😉 I’ve been gathering some ideas to make this year’s party even better!

10 Exciting Traditions For The New School Year (First Day of School Party)

1. New first day of school outfits.

We do this every year, but this year, I might WRAP them! Novel idea, right?

2. Fun decorations.

In the past I have decorated after the kids went to bed. Last year I let them decorate, they really enjoyed that. I think I may do some of each this year. I want to find some really fun and whimsical ideas.

Things like, a white apple tree on the wall.

And I should definitely include a decorative chalkboard!

3. Special breakfast.

Also something we do every year. But this year I’ll make it extra fun. Starting with these mustache straws. (No reason, just because I know my kids will love them!)

And also some french toast kabobs!!

4. First Day photos.

We’ll take pictures of the kids in their new outfits for their official “first day of school” pictures.

5. Hand print keepsakes.

I thought we might do something with their handprints, record info like height, etc. We can save it for the yearbook at the end of the year.

6. Do fun stuff first.

Start with art. We may or may not do math. =p Especially since we’ll..

7. Have a half day.

Take off after lunch and meet up with some friends at the park!

8. Fun lunch.

Maybe at the park? Maybe before we leave.

9. Let the kids pick the menu for and make supper.

Crazy. I know.

10. A special cake for dessert!

Who doesn’t love cake??

I would love to be able to something like this back to school cake.

But this school themed cake is probably more at my skill level. =p

What are you looking forward to this year? Do you have special first day of school traditions? I also have a first day of school pin board.

This week’s Top Ten {Tuesday} is another homeschool themed list, part of the 10 Weeks of Top Ten with iHomeschool Network. Visit Angie at Many Little Blessings for more Top Ten!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!