In my life this week…

It’s been a week full of coughing, sneezing, sniffling and sleeping. I’ve had so much sinus pressure off and on that at times, it was too painful to even look at the computer screen! But there were many good things last week as well, and I want to share those. I like to focus on the positive. =)

In our homeschool this week…

Aside from trying to get well, our entire week centered around trying to finish up the end of the school year before June. Eep! We’ve finished History, we’ll finish bible this week. We probably won’t finish science by the end of June (seeing as how we still have two and a half chapters.. but maybe..)

Drama Queen had some math confusion this week when we tried sorting fraction in order from least to greatest and vice versa. You know, that whole “the bigger the number the smaller the fraction” concept. We finally got it. But then I had to help Princess finish up a chapter in her math book about graphs — GRAPHS THAT I HAVE NEVER SEEN IN MY LIFE!! Seriously. I was thinking “bar graphs, pie charts..” — yeah, no. Who uses these things??

They weren’t HARD.. we could do them.. but still.. who uses these things?? (And how is that I’ve never seen them before?

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…

 Do what you can, when you can, you can’t do more than that.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

Monday we went to my mother’s after a half day of school, so that my mom and my grandmother and I could start doing a bible study together (every other Monday, doing Nancy Leigh DeMoss’ “Surrender.”) It went well! But then after that, my cold got worse and there was no more going or visiting. =p

My favorite thing this week was…

Thursday night the kids decided to pamper me since I wasn’t feeling well. Princess looked up “How to do a homemade facial” and found a recipe for a coffee/cocoa/honey facial mask. While she gave me a facial, Drama Queen gave me a pedicure. Aren’t they sweet?? Several times this week they’ve been willing to brush or play with my hair to help alleviate my sinus headache. My kids are sweethearts.

Things I’m working on…

You’ll notice a few more changes around the blog. if you’re reading this in email or a reader, hop on over, dig through the new pages at the top.

I’m still working on my ebook, more info on that coming soon!

I’m reading…

“Surrender” Nancy Leigh DeMoss

We finished reading How to Speak Dragonese this week – the kids want to dive right into How to Cheat a Dragon’s Curse since we have it but I want to finish reading Around the World in 80 Days! =p

I’m grateful for…

My husband and my kids. For many reasons, but especially for: my husband put up our new mailbox this week, and he took Princess to one of her first youth events and stayed on as one of the adults helping out.

A friend gave us a huge stash of produce from their garden!

Yes, that’s a ruler in the picture!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Linky love!


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!