Little Prince, Princess, and The Duchess “bonding” in the middle of the floor.

In my life this weekโ€ฆ

We have had the pleasure of spending time with my brother and his family this week! They traveled a long way from the other side of the U.S. to see us and Drama Queen has literally been counting down the days, every single day, for twenty nine days before their arrival! It was well worth it. My kids love their little cousin, who we’ll call The Duchess, and I think she was pretty taken with them, too. =) Princess and Drama Queen both love to be “big sister” but it was Little Prince’s first experience with me repeatedly asking him to set a good example! I think he did well for a first try. We were all sad to see them go.

In our homeschool this weekโ€ฆ

Here’s where I laugh hysterically. At myself. For still trying to do a little school while we had family in town. Silly mommy. ; )
We did accomplish something, though! We finished our history book (Mystery of History) and after a little bit of review we’ll consider that done for the year. We finished another chapter in our science book so we’re that much closer to being done with that one, too. And Princess amazed me by speeding through a whole TON of math! On her own initiative!

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to shareโ€ฆ

Are you planning a summer reading list? If you need some suggestions you should totally check out the Top Ten Tuesday linky this week! Many of them are top ten lists of favorite books!

Places weโ€™re going and people weโ€™re seeingโ€ฆ

In addition to seeing my brother this week, we had the pleasure of seeing some friends in a dance recital over the weekend. On top of that, this was also an orthodontist week. Princess got some good news though — she’s almost finished with braces. ALREADY!! They’re making a few minor tweaks this month and if all goes well there won’t be anything left to tweak next month! She’ll spend a couple months more in braces after they stop moving teeth to let the teeth “settle in” and if that goes well (and there’s no regression) then we move from braces-land to retainer-land! Yay!! We’re all very excited!

My favorite thing this week wasโ€ฆ

So hard to pick. Truly.
Watching my niece and kids play together. Chatting with my brother and sister in law.


Things Iโ€™m working onโ€ฆ

Oh my goodness.. where do I begin? Let me count the thousand ways…
~I’m about a third of the way through editing my ebook. Then there’s proofreading, formatting, photos, etc, etc. Phew!
~I’ve been busy this week so I haven’t been able to finish the cleaning binge I began last week. But we have been keeping the kids’ rooms cleaned and picked up and the school area tidy, and so on. We’ve done a pretty good job of keeping up with what we’ve already completed and we need to finish the rest of it over the weekend.
~We’ve been working on one specific bad habit this week: setting things down and not putting things away when we’re done with them. I’ve made a point to not only say “Put that back.” or “Throw that away.” (as I have always done) but a complete sentence that includes the thought process that we need to change. “When we have trash, we throw it away. Throw that away please.” “When we take off our shoes, we put them away. Put your shoes in your shoe rack please.” Now I’m switching to fill in the blank, “When we have trash we? _____” Guess what? Most of the time I don’t have to finish and most of the time they go do the fill in the blank without my telling them. HOW ABOUT THAT?? We’re going to keep working on this!

Iโ€™m cookingโ€ฆ

Oh my word I made the yummiest cookies and you’ll never believe what’s in them! These yummy cookies are gluten free, egg free and white sugar free. (OH YES THEY ARE.)


Iโ€™m grateful forโ€ฆ

Safe travel for my family. Fun times. Cool weather. Goodbye hugs from the little Duchess (and a painting she painted for me.) Laughs with my brother and his wife. Chocolate. Guacamole. (Not together obviously!) A dad who changes flat tires. A husband who replaces bad tires. A new mailbox (a HOUSE took out our old one. True story! They replaced it though.) =)

Iโ€™m praying forโ€ฆ

Wisdom and providence. It’s on my mind a lot right now. Pray that God leads the way, provides direction and resources.

A photo, video, link, or quote to shareโ€ฆ

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Hey, yโ€™all! Iโ€™m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and Iโ€™m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and sheโ€™s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!