Another Tuesday, another Top Ten list — this time it’s all about what our kids like about school. At the end of this post I’m “opening up the floor” — I want you know what YOU love about school! (Wherever, however, whenever YOU school!)

Ten Things My Kids Love About Our School

(P.S. I took answers my kids gave and used them to come up with these 10 things.)

10. Play dough is a regular part of our day! (We make brains with it.) ~ Little Prince

9. Comfy pj pants are acceptable school attire. ~ Princess

8. We don’t need hall passes or doctor’s notes. ~ Drama Queen
(Yes, Teacher Mom sees allllll…)

7. Drawing, doodling, and playing with legos during “lecture” is encouraged. ~Princess

6. Movies (documentaries) are essential historical learning aids. ~ Little Prince
(Note to self: Add “literary license” and “historical accuracy” to lesson plans..)

5. No detention. ~ Drama Queen
(Ah, but there are TIME OUTS…)

4. School projects include things such as “sew yourself an outfit” and “learn this song on guitar.” ~ Princess

3. We don’t *have* to sit at a table. ~Drama Queen

2. No “homework.” ~ Princess
(Yes, dear but it’s ALL home work! Mwahahahaaa!)

And the #1 thing my kids love most about our school is:
1. School breaks!! ~ Princess
(See? Something all kids have in common…)

In the interest of “fairness” I asked my kids to list some things they *don’t* like.. just so I know. Here are a few:

  • Educational videos with puppets. ~ Little Prince (duly noted!)
  • Having to get up to DO school. ~ Princess (Yes, well, that part isn’t an option..)
  • We can’t take naps. ~ Princess (Sure you can, after school.) =)

Ah, kids. I love them. =)

I attended public school myself and for the most part I always enjoyed it. I’d have listed things such as seeing my friends, art & music, and field trips. Now that I’m a homeschool mom, my list is pretty much the same with a few extras thrown in. I like getting together with other homeschool families, I enjoy doing art & music, I look forward to field trips, I am thankful to school with freedom (freedom of learning style, homeschool method, religious freedom, the whole nine yards,) I love watching my kids grow and learn and become little individual people, I love spending time with them (most of the time!)

What are your kids’ favorite things about school? (Public, private or homeschool?) What are yours?

Top Ten {Tuesday} is hosted by Angie at Many Little Blessings. For 10 weeks it’s all about homeschool at iHomeschool Network! This is week 3 of 10 and the topic is “what our kids like about it.” Hop over and check it out.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!