Back at the beginning of the year I made a list.

Not a To Do list, but a prayer, a list of attributes I would like to see God sow and water and fertilize in my heart. Things I need to work on, continually, practicing weeding out the negative weeds and sewing in the positive growth.

It’s a continual process of edification!

I haven’t ignored this completely but I haven’t thought about my list much since I made it, to be honest. I’ve thought of it several times recently, though, and in conjunction with my desire to start blogging about marriage on Mondays.. I thought perhaps it might make a good blogging plan to follow!

The words I chose at the beginning of the year were: attentive, bold, content, diligent, encouraging, forgiving, gracious, helpful, initiative-taking, joyful, kind-hearted, long-suffering, merciful, nurturing, obedient, passionate, quick to listen (and slow to speak,) reliable, self-controlled, thoughtful, understanding, virtuous, wise, an example, yielding, and zealous.

Growing these characteristics in my heart also apply to my relationships with other people, especially my husband. And let me tell you something… growing and improving any relationship, whether really good ones or really difficult ones, always begins in your own heart, on your own end.

So next week we’ll start blogging through my list. I don’t know if I’ll be going it alone or if any of y’all want to join in with me — anyone? I can create a link up if there’s interest. So just let me know! Either way, each Monday I’ll be bringing a short, (yes SHORT!,) encouraging post that will address one attribute to intentionally pour into our lives, our relationships and especially our marriages.

I would be delighted if you would join me on this journey.

Photo Credit: Marriage Monday graphic based on the photo “V-day” by Mike V’s Photography Attribution Some rights reserved by Mike V’s Photography

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Hey, yโ€™all! Iโ€™m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and Iโ€™m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and sheโ€™s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!