And so Advent begins!! We will definitely, as in previous years, be celebrating Advent at our house. And I will be, as in previous years, blogging about it as much as possible. Last year we really went for a simplified approach for several reasons. This year I hope to bring back a few traditions from seasons past. I’ve got several things planned, but I thought I’d start this year off with some links to posts from Advents gone before. If you’ve never read any of my Advent posts,  if you’re wondering what this is all about, or what Advent is.. this will be a good place to start! Yes, today is the first day of Advent, but tomorrow is just as good as day as any to begin. Advent is a tool, a celebration, to focus on Christ during this time of year. Use it to the benefit of your family and your Christmas holiday this year.

{Update: Adding the 2011 posts as well.}

Celebrating Advent 2011

DIY Advent Candles and Calendar

My “Argument for Santa” series, in which I address various arguments for Santa:

An Argument for Santa #1: But it’s FUN.

An Argument for Santa #2: He’s Based on Saint Nicholas.

An Argument for Santa #3: “It’s Tradition!”

An Argument for Santa #4: The Kids Are Missing Out

ADVENTure 2010

For 2010, we kept things really simple. We mostly focused on our Advent Candle Wreath and readings, our Jesse Tree and decorating symbolically.

Advent Candle Wreath/Readings

My “Faux Mantle” – (home for our Advent Candle Wreath.)

Jesse Tree

2010’s Themed Christmas Tree

Symbolic Themed Centerpiece

Advent 2009

The 2009 Advent series is more detailed, thoughtful and explains more about Advent, the holiday, and the preparation of our hearts. It incorporates the use of traditions and activities to intentionally and thoughtfully celebrate the holiday season.

The King is Coming!

Expectation : Why Advent? What is it? Goals, etc.

Execution : Making it happen.

Anticipation : Layering traditions to build anticipation.

Culmination : It’s all been building up to this.

Resolution : An end, and a beginning.

Advent 2008

The 2008 Advent posts take a “how-to” approach, with links and instructions for many traditions and activities that we use to focus the Advent and Christmas season on Jesus Christ and God. Symbolism plays a large role in our activities and traditions to point what we do to the gospel story.

Family Traditions

The Spirit of Baking

Decorating With Intent

The Spirit of Giving

Keeping Christ in Christmas, Christmas Morning

Other Posts:

There are other posts I have written over the years, peppered here and there and not belonging to a specific Advent series.

Where is He? – Do you ever feel like something’s MISSING? Do you sometimes get so caught up in Christmas you feel like you lost Christ along the way?

You’d Better Watch Out, You’d Better Not Cry… – in which I first confessed that Santa and I had a falling out, and that something needed to be done. What to do?

How We Fired Santa – In which we, yes, FIRED Santa from our Christmas traditions once and for all. How and why we let that go.

How to Make an Advent Calendar – One of the first we ever made, one of the easiest to create if you have littles.

Our New Christmas Tradition (The Gifts of the Magi Revisited.) – Taking our “Three Wisemen Gifts” even further… and LOVING IT. This will be the 3rd year we’ve done this. The 2nd year we “donated” our “gold” gift to Women At Risk and this year we have chosen World Vision.

Our Traveling Nativity – A tradition we have had for a long time. Sometimes we have one “static” nativity set up somewhere else while the traveling nativity “travels.” = )


I do hope that you are able to use some of these ideas and links to help you focus your holiday season on the BEST GIFT EVER. While celebrating naturally involves family and friends and gifts and decorations.. I hope that the gift of CHRIST transcends it all. God bless!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!