by Classic Housewife

Showing: 4 - 6 of 8 RESULTS
homeschooling field trips in texas
Homeschooling in Texas School at Home

Texas Homeschooling: Field Trips in Texas

We’ve discussed the technical side of Homeschooling in Texas, so now let’s have a little fun. Let’s talk about some of the best field trips in Texas. I had planned to write about studying Texas History today but our internet has been down and that’s a longer post. 😉 So we’ll mix things up and I’ll come back to Texas History tomorrow. We love a good field trip! It’s so …

homeschooling in texas high school diploma transcript
Homeschooling in Texas School at Home

Homeschooling in Texas: High School, Diplomas, and Transcripts–OH MY!

  Welcome back! Today, let’s take a look at homeschooling high school, diplomas, and transcripts-shall we? After many homeschoolers get over their initial trepidation about homeschooling, they seem to find a good groove for a while until they start thinking about high school. When a homeschool mom realizes that high school is around the corner, a lot of those old fears and worries can come flooding back. I WAS THERE! I …

Homeschooling in Texas Laws Requirements
Homeschooling in Texas School at Home

Homeschooling In Texas, Laws and Requirements

Howdy! I’m so excited. =) It’s been a really, really long time since I’ve participated in a 5-Day Hopscotch Series. (The Hopscotch, if you remember, is when all the participating bloggers write about one their own topic for five days.) I feel like I can safely add this to my plate right now, so I thought I would continue the Texas theme from my Back to School Gift Basket and talk about …