by Classic Housewife

Showing: 28 - 30 of 35 RESULTS
Trustworthy Part One

Are You Trustworthy? (Part One.) – Marriage Minute

What does it mean to be trustworthy? We’ve been working our way through a series on Marriage about bringing good things to our husband and to our marriage through respect, trustworthiness, and love. We have covered three different ways we show and build respect for our husbands (through submission, our speech, and trust,) and now we’re ready to dig into another important issue in marriage: trustworthiness. {You can find all “She …

30 Useful Tasks for the Overwhelmed Mom

30 Useful Tasks For the Overwhelmed Mama (30 Minutes or Less)

I know a lot of moms that feel busy, overscheduled, or overwhelmed these days. Has it always been this way? Is this a product of our current society, with our after school hobbies and social media? But there is “busy,” and then there is “I’m so busy I feel like I’m failing.” I find myself there all too often, and I’ve heard many of my friends say the same things. “I’m …

Free Coloring Books For Mom

Free Coloring Pages & Books For Mom

Have you joined the “adult coloring page” craze? I love these things! (And not just because they are “trendy” or “in” right now.) I used to color in Precious Moments and Disney coloring books when I had free time as a teenager and I remember my dad picking on me for it. 😉 But I’ve always found coloring or doodling relaxing, and now that it’s popular, there are so many …