*Post contains Amazon affiliate links.*


WEEK THREE! The first two weeks of Whole 30 went really well. I’m feeling pretty good and I’m losing weight at a safe pace (3.3 lbs in the last two weeks.) Here are some pictures of some of the things I ate.

I have some new recipes to try this week! I also have a recipe of my own to share with you later this week. Let’s see what is on the menu for all of us, and what’s on my Whole 30 plate this time…

(The asterisk, again, indicates a meal where I will eat the same thing, just without the Whole 30 offenders.)



  • Breakfast –cinnamon toast
  • W30 B’fast –spinach and bacon omelette
  • Lunch –fried egg sandwiches, homemade kale chips
  • W30 lunch –leftover tuna salad, sliced avocado, homemade kale chips
  • Snack –sliced apples w/ almond butter
  • Supper/W30 Supper –chicken, rice, steamed veggies, green beans*


  • Breakfast – cereal
  • W30 B’fast – Monkey salad (bananas, cashews, coconut)
  • Lunch/W30 Lunch – salads with ham, carrots, broccoli, seeds
  • Snack – Fruit salad with coconut oil and sliced almonds
  • Supper – chili, cornbread
  • W30 Supper – chili w/o beans on baked potato, probably with a side salad


  • Breakfast/W30 B’fast – Broccoli Spinach Frittata
  • Lunch/W30 Lunch – baked potatoes with bacon, peppers, onions
  • Snack – sliced apples w/ almond butter
  • Supper – hamburgers, chips, steamed veggies
  • W30 Supper – bunless burger, sliced avocado, steamed veggies


  • Breakfast – Autumn Apple Bowls (recipe coming this week!)
  • Lunch – grilled cheese sandwiches
  • W30 Lunch – fried egg w/spinach, homemade sweet potato chips, quartered orange
  • Snack – strawberries, almond butter
  • Supper/W30 Supper –Lemon pepper chicken, roasted herbed potatoes, mixed veggies


  • Breakfast/W30 B’fast – Fried egg, bacon, sliced avocado, seeds and nuts
  • Lunch – “pizza rolls” (pizza stuff in crescent rolls)
  • W30 Lunch – lettuce wrap, fruit
  • Snack – Monkey salad (bananas, cashews, coconut)
  • Supper – Simple shepherd’s pie, green beans* (Didn’t get this one made last week.)


  • Breakfast – Biscuits, gravy, bacon, fruit
  • W30 B’fast – Fruit salad with coconut oil and sliced almonds
  • Lunch – Sloppy joes
  • W30 Lunch – salad with hard boiled eggs, nuts & seeds
  • Snack – deviled eggs
  • Supper/W30 Supper – chili lime chicken, black beans, baked sweet potatoes with chipotle pepper, salad*


  • Breakfast – Donuts
  • W30 B’fast – scrambled eggs and veggies
  • Lunch – Tacos
  • W30 Lunch – W30 compliant taco salad
  • Snack – Fruit salad with coconut oil and sliced almonds
  • Supper/W30 Supper – waffles, bacon, sweet potato hash browns, scrambled eggs, baked pears with cranberries*

Recipe Links:

Broccoli Spinach Frittata

Baked Pears w/Cranberries

Other Resources:

Pederson’s Bacon

Simply Organic Vanilla Flavoring (alcohol free – found this at my local grocery store)

Organic Ceylon Cinnamon 

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!