*This post contains Amazon affiliate links.*


I survived the first week! I knew I would. I did really, really well, too. There were a couple of times I discovered something had a hidden ingredient, or I didn’t read a label well enough. I “stole” a swig of ginger ale in a weak moment (I don’t even LIKE ginger ale!)  But overall I did really, really well.

I think there’s a little bit of grace in the first week as you learn to read labels well and learn to overcome bad habits (purists might disagree,) but moving in to week two I need to be more vigilant. An elimination diet isn’t an elimination diet if you don’t eliminate all the offenders!

So, after one full week, I have gone through the withdrawals, the crankitude, the fatigue, and come out the other side. I am already starting to feel pretty good (much quicker than the first time,) and I’m already starting to lose weight, it’s noticeable in my face and my fingers. =)

Looking ahead to week two: I’m looking forward to more energy and stamina in my day, and greater confidence in the diet and my ability to stick to it. Now, about that menu…

As it would turn out, I ended up eating out several times last week, unexpectedly, and I did great. James’ dad came through town and we met him and his wife at a restaurant — on DAY ONE. I ate grilled chicken, steamed veggies, and a fruit cup. Go, me! We also ate out Wednesday night, Friday night as planned, and Sunday night. We rarely eat out but apparentely, this was a rare week! Because of that, I’m repeating several supper dishes from last week’s menu. (Again, an item with an asterisk means I’m making the same thing for myself with a minor tweak – like eating the chicken fajitas without cheese or tortillas.)


  • Breakfast – cereal
  • W30 B’fast –Scrambled eggs, sliced fruit, bacon
  • Lunch – chicken salad sandwiches, chips, fruit
  • W30 lunch – salad with hard boiled eggs, nuts & seeds
  • Snack –strawberries, almond butter
  • Supper/W30 Supper –chicken fajitas*, guacamole


  • Breakfast/W30 B’fast – Monkey salad (bananas, cashews, coconut)
  • Lunch/W30 Lunch – baked potatoes with bacon and broccoli
  • Snack – guacamole & bacon chips
  • Supper –salisbury steak*, fried potatoes, salad


  • Breakfast/W30 B’fast – scrambled eggs, peppers, and bacon
  • Lunch/W30 Lunch – salad with boiled eggs and bacon
  • Snack – sliced apples w/ almond butter
  • Supper – hamburgers, chips, steamed veggies
  • W30 Supper – bunless burger, sliced avocado, steamed veggies


  • Breakfast – Yogurt/Granola, fruit
  • W30 B’fast – Fruit salad with coconut oil and sliced almonds
  • Lunch – fried egg sandwiches, homemade sweet potato chips
  • W30 Lunch – fried egg w/spinach, homemade sweet potato chips, quartered orange
  • Snack – hard boiled eggs
  • Supper – Sesame Ginger Chicken, Rice, Sliced peppers, Salad
  • W30 Supper – Asian Chicken Salad with Sesame Ginger Dressing, mandarin oranges, sliced almonds


  • Breakfast – Cereal
  • W30 B’fast – Fried egg, bacon, sliced avocado, seeds and nuts
  • Lunch – sandwiches, chips, fruit
  • W30 Lunch – lettuce wrap, fruit
  • Snack – Monkey salad (bananas, cashews, coconut)
  • Supper – Simple shepherd’s pie, green beans


  • Breakfast – Biscuits, gravy, bacon, fruit
  • W30 B’fast – Fruit salad with coconut oil and sliced almonds
  • Lunch – tuna salad sandwiches
  • W30 Lunch – salad with hard boiled eggs, nuts & seeds
  • Snack – baked sweet potato “fries” with coconut oil and pink salt
  • Supper – BBQ chicken, mashed potatoes, broccoli, ranch beans, biscuits
  • W30 Supper – Non-BBQ chicken, broccoli, dairy free mashed potatoes, nuts and seeds


  • Breakfast – Donuts
  • W30 B’fast – Monkey salad (bananas, cashews, coconut)
  • Lunch – Tacos
  • W30 Lunch – W30 compliant taco salad
  • Snack – Fruit salad with coconut oil and sliced almonds
  • Supper/W30 Supper – Breakfast for supper* – pancakes, fruit, bacon, scrambled eggs, fried potatoes

Since a lot of this week’s menu is a repeat of last week’s menu, a lot of these resources and links are still the same, but there are some new links, too.

Recipe links:

Sesame Ginger dressing 

Substitue Soy Sauce

Orange Poppyseed dressing

Monkey Salad

W30 Salisbury Steak 


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!