by Classic Housewife

Showing: 13 - 15 of 140 RESULTS

Marriage Monday – Backing Up Your Husband

I like to sing. I also really enjoy singing with my husband. But even though we’ve been married for over fifteen years, that’s still a relatively new thing for us. Sometimes my husband plays guitar and lets me sing. But sometimes he sings and I sing harmony. Harmony is my favorite. Singing together is not unlike marriage. See where I’m going with this? You have to work together. You have …

School at Home

Everything You Need For Eclectic Homeschool History Curriculum

[maxbutton id=”1″] I’ve said that being an eclectic homeschooler doesn’t mean that you just throw a bunch of stuff together and hope it works. Every piece of curriculum is chosen, for a reason. However, I am going to admit that being an eclectic homeschooler does often mean that you have a large variety of materials at your disposal. (Because I like variety. And options.) That said, I do have a …