by Classic Housewife

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How to Naturally Work Geography Into Learning
School at Home

How to Naturally Work Geography Into Learning

[maxbutton id=”1″] How to Naturally Work Geography Into Learning We don’t teach geography here. Well, not as a separate class anyway. We could. We could spend time studying geography and drilling all the facts we’re learning. And when I first got started homeschooling that’s kind of what I thought we’d be doing. But as I found my homeschool footing, and I developed our relaxed, eclectic approach, I found that I …

Blogging and Memes

When You Learn You’re a Law Breaker

When you first start homeschooling, there are a million and one things to think about. Ok, maybe not a million and one. Probably at least a million and two or three. Beginning homeschooling, even if you start at Kindergarten, is a little bit like playing Marco Polo – eyes squished tight, calling out and listening for the answer. So the last thing you think about when you first start homeschooling …