by Classic Housewife

Showing: 7 - 9 of 140 RESULTS
Blogging and Memes

A Holiday Mommy Time Party

It’s time for a holiday themed Mommy Time Party! Join us next week on November 5th at 8 PM in each US time zone for fun conversation, reviews, and giveaways! If you are not following all four of our Mommy Time Party cohosts on Facebook, I encourage you to show them some LIKE-y love now: 8 PM EASTERN Jill at Blessed Beyond a Doubt Topic: Family Traditions 8 PM CENTRAL …

Just Me

Cat Got My Tongue

Sometimes it happens that I suddenly go a couple or three weeks without having anything to say. Not that there isn’t anything I could write about, but I just go days or weeks without the words to write. And now I actually have quite a LOT to say, but you don’t come here to read my entire life story, do you? 😉 However, there ARE some things that I really want …


Marriage Minute ~ Love Is Not Selfish

Possibly one of the hardest things about loving another person is learning to not be self-centered but to love unselfishly. It’s so natural to be concerned for our own welfare, and it’s so hard sometimes to put another person ahead of ourselves. Not to say that we need to debase ourselves, no, but in our marriage relationship there is such a wonderful benefit from learning to put the other first, …