by Classic Housewife

Showing: 61 - 63 of 140 RESULTS

My Husband Can’t Be Everything I Need

I remember driving home from work one day, somewhere in our second year of marriage, when the speaker on the radio made a revelationary statement: my husband can’t be everything I need him to be. Not that my husband can’t be great. Not that my husband can’t meet my needs. My husband CAN be great and he CAN meet my needs. But he is human, and limited, and well, I …

Blogging and Memes

Mommy Time Party Giveaways Open

Last night was so much fun! We hope you were able to join us for at least a part of the conversation. The winner of the RSVP giveaway was… Cheryl B CherylB1987@ Check your email Cheryl because you have 48 hours to reply before another winner is chosen. Congratulations! You can still enter to win… If you missed the Mommy Time Party last night, you can still enter the giveaways! …