by Classic Housewife

Showing: 7 - 9 of 11 RESULTS
School at Home

What is the Teach Them Diligently Marketplace?

[maxbutton id=”1″] Have you heard the buzz about the new Teach Them Diligently Marketplace? Wondering what it is? Let me tell you! The Teach Them Diligently Marketplace is a totally new concept in homeschool events, which will feature an incredible selection of curriculum and educational materials in a manner that will allow you to compare them side by side to help you choose what is best for your family. There …

10 Things To Love About Summer
Just Me

10 Things I Love About Summer

[maxbutton id=”1″]   I’m not one of those “I love Summer” kind of people. It’s too hot. It’s too sweaty. But Summer’s not ALL bad. There are *some* things I like about Summer. It may not be Summer here yet as far as the calendar is concerned.. but let me tell you–it’s Summer here in Texas! 10 Things I (actually do) Love About Summer (which I’m not a fan of.) …