by Classic Housewife

Showing: 4 - 6 of 11 RESULTS
Blogging and Memes Our School

Homeschool Mother’s Journal ~ Projects, Parties and Playing Guitar

Okay, okay, I know today is Monday,.. the weekend is gone already. I started writing this post on Friday and it just needed a few pictures. No sense *not* publishing a post that’s already written–right? So here’s our wrap for last week (which turned out to be a pretty good week….) In my life this week… What a busy, but in the end very good, week! I began the week …


Marriage Minute ~ Honor Your Father

As I sit here writing this on Father’s Day, I meditate on the biblical instruction to honor our parents, to honor our father and our mother, and our role as wives and mothers in teaching our children to do that. It’s no mystery or secret that our children learn by example. By every action, word and tone, we set the example for our children of how to respect (or not …

Homeschool Freebies School at Home

Free Patriotic Copywork Notebooking Pages (from

Have you seen the free patriotic copywork notebooking pages this week? Sign up as a free member to get instant access to this download pack. Already a member? Free and paid members will find this added to the download center. Very cool.=) There’s also a membership giveaway! Oh, and a $50% off coupon. Lots of goodies. All the details are in this post on Notebooking Pages. Check out the info …