
You know how it is when there’s a life change of some kind and you say things like, “When we’re in that new house we won’t do that anymore..”

Well, maybe you’re smart enough not to do that.

As it is, I found myself saying things like that. I thought about that today and wondered if I was sticking to any of those “resolutions” or not. It’s been 4 months. Shall we see?

10 Things I Said I Was(n’t) Going to Do In This House

In the new house, we won’t have toys in the living room anymore.

Actually, we’re sticking to this one pretty well! The kids have their own rooms, there’s a school/play area off the kitchen (that gets pretty messy sometimes!) and they are allowed to do games, puzzles and playdoh at the kitchen table. They forget and bring things out sometimes but we remind them and return them to their rooms.

In the new house, we will eat at the dining room table (and not in the living room.)

Sometimes. I knew this would be a challenge because we didn’t have that habit at all and my husband is not a fan. Most of the time, during the day, I sit the kids down at the table. Much of the time for supper we all sit in the living room. It’s a work in progress.

In the new house, there will be no more “huge pile of laundry” in front of the washer and dryer, but laundry will be in hampers in bathrooms and bedrooms.

Ha. I have two key problems with this one. No, three. 1.) I still need a hamper or basket in the laundry area for kitchen towels and things that get picked up through the house or something. 2.) I still need to get hampers for the girls rooms. 3.) I have to UN-train the habit of their throwing clothes in the hamper in the laundry room instead of one in their bedroom or bathroom. (Another work in progress.)

In the new house, we will do school in the school area. 

Well, it isn’t finished yet. We have a couple of times. But we need to finish creating our space. Which is on hold. So. Verdict: “Not Yet.”

In the new house, we won’t be sweating or freezing!

Halfway there! We didn’t hook up the air conditioner when we got the house moved in because we weren’t going to need it right away. Who knew that mid-April was going to throw ninety degree weather at us? Our winter was quite comfortable after we learned our magic spot on the thermostat was 69 (the spot where we might need a sweater but we weren’t too cold.) All we need now is to get the air conditioner hooked up (and then learn where our magic number is for the summer.) 😉

In the new house, I will be grateful, I will not complain about ANYTHING house related.

Done. I am still so grateful. Every time it rains it’s like my rainbow. The rain reminds me that I have a (solid, non-leaky) roof over my head and that God worked out all the details to get us in it. We still have a lot of stuff that needs to be done like getting underskirting and it’s all going to take time but I’m not going to complain! I am thankful. =) I’m even trying to not complain about the heat. 😉

In the new house, we will have friends and family over more often.

Yes. Mostly family, since we have had a lot of settling in and things to do. But we’ve started having friends over some, too. I love hostessing. =)

In the new house, we will fence in the back yard and get a dog. (Maybe.)

We’re not anywhere close to fencing in a back yard. That’s a long way off…

In the new house, I’m going to try harder to be a better housekeeper.

My husband would probably argue–but I know there are a lot of things I KNOW I have improved on. For one thing, we sweep more often. (It might be more accurate to say “I SWEEP.”) We have to! The other house was mostly carpeted. This house is almost all bare floors. And we have all this bare-dirt-construction-zone around the house so we track in a lot dirt. Thus – we sweep! A lot!

In the new house…

Here in this new house, there will be so many new things we do and and don’t do. Many memories will be made. We have just the right amount of space. We will rely on God to carry us through financially in our self-employment and hard economy to rent-to-own this house, to take care of it and to eventually be homeowners and all of the responsibility that comes with that. We already have a great testimony of all that God has done for us, but every day is testimony to His provision. In this new house, we will trust God even more and we will praise Him continually and we will remember that house or no house, God is all we need.

Linked up with Angie’s Top Ten Tuesday. Check it out!

Image Credit: Colorful Bird House by Darren Lewis (Public Domain.)


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!