Last week was so busy, I’m only just now getting to my weekly wrap up. But there were so many good things in it that I don’t want to skip it!

In my life this week…

We had a very busy but good week – including another sewing day with my mother-in-law, several Easter related activities, going to the science museum with my uncle, Drama Queen’s tenth birthday and Little Prince’s baptism at church on Sunday. A good week!

In our homeschool this week…

We learned about:

We reviewed our chapter on feliforms in Apologia zoology 3, and we continued on in our Apologia worldview book, “Who am I?” We did math and language arts and stuff, too, of course. The girls continued sewing on their quilts for the quilt ministry at church. Princess has also been writing a story, so every chance she has to sit down you find her with her composition book and pencil in hand.

School was fun because:

We played with playdoh a lot. We played outside a lot because the weather was great! We colored and watched documentaries and we went on our field trip.

One of the things we did at the science museum was an experiment to see which cleaners and soaps best killed germs.


For art class we:

Since we’ve already done all three lessons on The Crossmaker DVD but I still wanted us to do something Easter themed for art class, we started this Easter watercolor painting from the see the Light blog.

My favorite thing this week was…

Sunday was Drama Queen’s tenth birthday and Little Prince was baptized at church. Extended family came to church with us and we went out to eat at a local Mexican restaurant afterward. We spent the rest of the afternoon at my mom’s house opening presents and just hanging out and talking (and playing Scrabble Espanol!)

Spanish Scrabble is HARD!!

My kiddos favorite thing this week was…

Princess – going to a friend’s roller skating birthday party.

Drama Queen – Turning ten, celebrating with family.

Little Prince – getting baptized

Things I’m working on…

Around the house:

There’s a good possibility that my husband’s grandmother (who was widowed last week) may come to stay with us for a while, and we look forward to her visit. We want to prepare for her stay by making the girls’ rooms ready to “switcheroo” if she comes. The biggest thing we need to do, which needs to be done anyway, is sanding the bedroom side of the new wall we built for Princess’ room, priming and painting it, and finally getting her “new” bedroom furniture from my uncle’s house (it was my grandmother’s furniture when she was that age.)

For the blog:

I have a lot on my blogging plate this week also, continuing with the 12 Days of Easter series each day, finishing my 3 part series about Baltimore, and a couple other things I’d like to squeeze in if I can.. =S

I’m cooking…

Very simply!

Something I am ogling or have my eye on…

I’ve decided I want a Waffle Maker for Mother’s Day this year. =)

A photo, video, link, or quote to share (silly, serious or both!)…

Last week on Instagram:

[alpine-phototile-for-instagram user=”classichousewife” src=”user_recent” imgl=”instagram” dl=”1″ dltext=”FindMeOnInstagram:” style=”bookshelf” row=”2″ num=”2″ size=”Th” shadow=”1″ highlight=”1″ align=”center” max=”100″]


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!