The week with the sniffles, the send-off, and the organizational projects.

In my life this week…

Another successful week on the path back to normal routine. We did school pretty well, considering that we were battling some colds in this house. This was my first week practicing my new Healthy Habits and I did really well with that, too! We brought more of the remaining stuff over from the old house and most of that has been put away, and I tackled a couple of small organizational projects around the house. I’ve also spent all week thinking about “making wise choices.” One of the things I’ve been working on this month is getting back to reading all the way through the bible — I do this on my kindle and use my regular Bible for everything else, I’m now 67% of the way through the Bible, somewhere in Ezekiel now. Woot!

In our homeschool this week…

Turns out my kids wouldn’t make great scientists. 😉 They were all lemon!! Our sense of sight throws us off!

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…

Documentaries and read alouds make great sick day material.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

My brother-in-law and his wife left to go back home overseas and so we said goodbye to them this week with a send-off meal at Cici’s pizza. I ate so much pizza…..

Things I’m working on…

This week I cleared the dining room of some miscellaneous moving clutter to not only put it away but to also make way for setting up an entry area. (Yes, my front door enters into my dining room, which is open to the living room, it’s all one big open space.) One of the things I worked on was organizing a wooden cabinet and turning it into an entry cabinet for hubby’s motorcycle gear and for mittens, gloves, ponchos and umbrellas. The cabinet was built as a linen cabinet for my great grandma or my great great grandma or something, by her son or her husband, I can’t recall. I probably should have gotten those facts straight before sharing that story. ; ) At any rate, it’s a family heirloom that I’m now in possession of, and now it’s being used like this:

Helmets on the top shelf, and baskets for the “stuff” on the bottom. Yes, those are skulls on Big Daddy’s helmet, it came with the bike. But hey, it protects his head. ;0)

Now all I need is the coat rack and the bench seat and my entry space will be complete.

I’m cooking…

Because I have to. Hey, just being honest! I haven’t been very motivated about cooking this week, I’d just as soon sit down with a grapefruit or a salad. But I’ve been cooking; my family likes food.

I’m grateful for…

God provides! That’s all I have to say about that. =)

Something I am ogling or have my eye on…

This: Bible Scattergories. TOO COOL. Add that to the wishlist next to the Apples to Apples, Bible Edition.


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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!