The week with the salsa, the swabs and the snake…

In my life this week…

A very busy week! Our ladies’ bible study started back up again now that we have our new book, we added some science and history into our homeschool schedule, and we got lots of canning done. Let’s see:

In our homeschool this week…

Notable things from school this week:

  • We studied 9/11 on Tuesday, watching a documentary and live coverage from youtube
  • We started a bacteria/petri dish science experiment from the end of last year’s anatomy book that we didn’t get to before the school year ended (we still had the materials so why not?) We swabbed a mouth, some hands, the toilet handle, a remote control, and the laptop keyboard. We also waved one through the air just to see what, if anything, comes of that one.
  • We started our history book (well, we read the introduction to the time period we’ll be studying.)

bacteria petri dish experiment

Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…

  • Be flexible – have I said that before?
  • Follow some kind of routine – have I said that before, too? ;0)

I am inspired by…

This Pinterest board:

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

Friday, my mom, my grandmother and I met together for our bible study that we do every 2 or 3 weeks. We planned to stay after to can salsa and boy, did we! We made/canned FIFTEEN PINTS of homemade salsa! But by far the most exciting thing was…

My favorite thing this week was…

The snake! My mom killed a snake in her yard on Thursday. A snake with a “bulge.” After the fact she was told that it was an Eastern Hognose and that they usually eat toads and frogs (and that’s probably what the bulge was.) So Friday… we dissected it! Oh yes, we did. We plan on doing some small animal dissections with our Apologia Zoology 3 this year, and we’d even discussed doing a snake. But how often do you get to open a snake with a frog inside??

snake frog dissection

What’s working/not working for us…

I NEED to find some routine and streamlining and efficiency between housework and homeschool and blogging. I built blogging into more of a second income over the summer but now school is back in session and I need some balance!

Things I’m working on…

Actually, I have some GREAT things in the works! You know me, I don’t just do whatever comes along. I wait for GREAT things.

  • JOIN US (please?) for the history themed Facebook party brought to you by iHomeschool Network, this Tuesday at 7pm Central, 8pm Eastern. I’ll be “running the show” but you won’t “see” me, I’ll be manning the iHN Facebook account. I would love it if you’d come party with me!!
  • COMING SOON: We’re trying out our new Kidzmet Playbook for Learning. It’s really neat! More info on that coming soon..
  • ALSO COMING SOON: We’re trying out our new Waterproof Bible! Talk about COOL. This thing’s cool. My husband and I are scheming up a series of tests to run it through. If you had a waterproof bible, think of all the things you could do with it..
  • It’s time to start working on my next ebook. I think I’m crazy..

I’m reading…

  • A Woman God Can Use (our weekly ladies’ bible study)
  • Surrender (our bi-monthly mother-daughter bible study)
  • School is Where the Home Is – daily devotional for homeschool moms

I’m cooking…

Besides 15 pints of salsa??

We’re doing a gluten free “experiment” this upcoming week. I’m not buying anything special or making any new recipes, we’re just eating normal foods without gluten things. For example, we’ll eat eggs and bacon and fruit, but no toast or cereal. I didn’t make anything new or fancy this past week either, but I did kind of pave the way for our experiment week by not buying any bread or cereal so we could adjust to that a little before “the big experiment.”

I’m grateful for…


A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Some linky love for you:

For more Homeschool Mother’s Journal posts head over

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!