Back to School, The Mommy Time Facebook Party, and A Canning Class, Oh My!

In my life this week…

Ok, WOW. This has been a really busy week.

Monday was our first day back to school. I wasn’t fully prepared for that, but we’re only doing math, bible and language arts for the first two weeks and I was prepared enough for that so we ran with it. I had a lot of prep to do over the weekend to be ready for the fresh start.

Tuesday was the Mommy Time Facebook party, and boy was that a lot of fun! I had a lot of prep work over the weekend for that, also, and a lot of last minute work on Tuesday before the party began. Somehow I still managed to get the kids bathed and in bed on time. =p

Though I was dog tired by Wednesday, my mom was doing a canning class for her ladies’ group at her church and I had agreed to be her assistant. After we were done with our school we headed to my mother’s and helped her load up an arsenal of canning supplies and canned goods to set up in the church kitchen. The canning class was a success and I was DOG TIRED by the end of the night.

Honestly, Thursday and Friday have been a blur. I can’t even remember yesterday. This morning I met my mom at the park to take some back to school pictures of the kids (we’ve had rain most of the week, making us put off our traditional “first day of school” photo shoot.) I’m really not sure where the rest of today went. My brain is fried!

In our homeschool this week…

First day of school – yay! Check out these first day of school and back to school pics. = )

Our table decorations & “party favors” doubled as photo props.
Making pennant banners with construction paper and streamers. Tissue paper pom poms.
Breakfast was french toast kabobs and fruit. Table decorations: the theme was “chalkboard” and I used the same colors we use to color code their folders and other school things.

The tablecloth was one of my favorite things! It was just a black plastic tablecloth and a white paint pen. It looked great!

The placemats were handwriting paper which we traced the kids hands on and wrote their age, etc and glued onto the backs of their “grade plaques.”

Coloring on the tablecloth. Making biscuit pizzas for lunch. Number cookies!

Later we doodled on our black table cloth with our paint pen markers.

We did really well with our work goals for the week.

  1. Start by (or really close to) 9 a.m.
  2. Complete bible (memory verses, devotional reading, bible story, worldview,) math and language arts – done by (or really close to) lunch.
  3. Do our afternoon chores right after school, using our You Rule chores app.

I’m REALLY proud of the kids and the way they’ve embraced the goals and worked hard to meet them. The chores app helps (they get chore points for completing school, hehe.) 😉

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

Yes, this was our first week back to school but we did manage to go do some other things, too. Supper at my mom’s on Saturday and my inlaws on Sunday. James took the kids to D.Q. while I was at the canning class on Wednesday and they got to play with some friends. Thursday morning we went walking with some homeschooling friends – two miles! And Friday, Princess attended a bday pool party (which, yes, put school off until mid-afternoon.) Fun week!

Things I’m working on…

Somewhere during the week my house mess-exploded. It must have happened while I was gone because I don’t remember hearing any loud explosions. =p I’m working on recovering from the mess-monster and I still need to finish planning for school. Our science lab kit and our history book arrived this week. I still need a junior notebooking journal for Little Prince and the science for Princess. Since we aren’t starting history and science for another week or two, that’s okay.

I’m grateful for…

So many things. I can’t even begin. God provides again and again!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

That’s it for this week. I’m also linking this up to the Not Back to School Blog Hop for Student Photo Week (since it has our back to school pictures.)

I’m also linking it up to Weekly Wrap Up at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.

For more Homeschool Mother’s Journal posts head over

to the iHomeschool Network and browse around!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!