Many of you have attended parties on Facebook before, but being a relatively new thing, many of the rest of you have not. No worries! It’s not hard. There are only a few things you need to know.

If you don’t know how to Facebook party, this post is for you!

1.) The “party” happens on my Facebook page.

I post questions, statements and links to giveaways —  discussion happens in the comments of the status updates.  For the quarterly Mommy Time party, I will actually be the last stop of the party, which will take place on three other Facebook pages before mine!

2.) You need to “LIKE” the Facebook page if you want to be able to see everything.

That’s the easy part, right? One little click. You may also know that when you like a page and comment on a status, if the page owner (me) comments again after you, you will get a notification.. but for all the other people who comment you won’t (unless it happens to be a Facebook friend of yours, in which case, you might.) But you shouldn’t be flooded with TOO many notifications!

3.) You need to know your settings if you want to see posts by me AND what others post on my page to me.

When you first arrive at a Facebook page, the default setting is to see “Highlights” — the owner’s status updates, and off to the right are friends who also like the page and snippets of things people have posted to the blog owner. If you click on Highlights and change it to “Posts by Page” you will see ONLY my status updates – which will include all the party questions, giveaways and announcements without all the other junk. If you change it to “Posts by Others” you will see all the questions/comments by other people posted on the wall and you can join in and comment on some of them if you like. By switching back and forth between these two (and refreshing often) you can follow both what I am posting and what everybody else is posting.

That’s really all that you *NEED* to know. Didn’t I tell you it was simple? I do have a few more tips:

  • Don’t forget to check times and timezones, parties are missed because of time zone problems!
  • Refresh often (F5 for PC, Command R for Mac.)
  • Giveaways are *not* given away ON Facebook, follow the link and use the Rafflecopter (or whatever the method may be) in the linked post.
  • Giveaway winners are not announced *ON* Facebook either.. you’ll have to wait to be notified by email so make sure you use a valid email address.
  • Comment and join in! That’s the fun. Also, you may have valuable advice for a person going through something you’ve already been through. You never know.

I do hope to see you there. If you need any help during the party just give a shout out — post on the wall for help and I’ll try to help you!

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!