Yes, today is my fourteenth anniversary with my dear husband! It’s also the first day that my new and very first ebook is for sale.
My husband and I first met way back in 1996. (Technically we’d met before that, but as “friends of friends” and it wasn’t until ’96 that we *met* and began talking and getting to know each other.) We began dating a few months later and a few months after that I knew that he was “The One.”
And now here we are 14 years later with three beautiful kids and however many more years God has planned for us. God has tried, tested, grown, strengthened and carried us through the years and I know he’ll carry us through the rest.
Today I also begin a new journey! I’ve entered the world of ebook authorship. My ebook, a compilation and expansion of my first series of “ABC’s of Homeschooling” posts, is available in both pdf and kindle formats. I’ve learned a lot through this process, too. I’ve learned how that you need to proofread a million times before you think you’re done. I’ve learned how to make a linked Table of Contents (again and again and again.) I’ve also learned how to format an ebook for Kindle and get it listed. Let me tell you there is A REASON that some people hire someone else to do that for them. It’s hard! Hopefully, I’ve learned to write better through this process also.
I do already have plans to write more ebooks! They won’t all be homeschool related, either. The next one will be about holidays! How fun is that?
So today, hubby and I will celebrate our anniversary here at home. This Saturday we’ll have Date Night. Yay! I love Date Night. In the meantime, if you have a moment, grab a peek at the new ebook, will you? I’m not hoping to get rich quick.. I’m hoping that it’s interesting to some people and that they find it helpful. If someone finds it encouraging and helpful then I will be a happy ebook author. =)
—-> {Check out “The Classic Housewife’s Abc’s of Eclectic Homeschool.“} <—-
Happy first day of August, y’all!
Happy 14th!!
We have 17 behind us and it gets better every year. Have fun on your date!