It’s been a while since I’ve written about 3 in 30. Not that I didn’t want to.. I’ve been meaning to every month since the last time I did (was that March? April?) This month marks a new beginning, the beginning of our new school year. With that new school year comes a few minor changes and a lot of resolve to stay on track and be diligent. Jumping back in with 3 in 30 not only gives me a way to focus on 3 habits to aid that resolve but it also seems kind of fitting.

At beginning of the year I made a resolution to work on having a well-functioning home. The conception of 3 in 30 gave me a way to focus on that and I jumped in with both feet. Over the first quarter of the year I worked hard at it, and we established some good habits and routines in our household. April brought changes, GOOD ONES, and a very long Spring break, also GOOD, but both of those things pulled the rug out from under our routine and during the second quarter of the year I focused on regaining my footing more than anything else. July brought with it a new challenge — planning for the new school year. In addition to housework that was always a step away from “seriously behind” rather than staying a step ahead of it, and in addition to still having lost habits that hadn’t been recovered, I added to my plate the task of buying curriculum, lesson planning, organizing and the like. The third quarter so far has brought a little restoration of order. And now as we wrap up this third quarter with September, I turn to 3 1in 30 once again to help me put the rest of the “lost habits” back in place.

Goal #1 : Morning Quiet Time

This habit has faltered and sputtered a little over the past few months, but thankfully it hasn’t fallen off the wagon completely. Our morning basket has proven to be a nice useful tool–we just need to further cement the habit of having our morning quiet time first. I *think* that being back in the school year will help because there will be more purpose to our day and less of a lazy, relaxed attitude. Things I can do to help with this habit:

  • start covering the tv at night again, to prevent the tv from coming on first thing in the morning. — This really works so well! It serves as a great visual reminder, and though the 5yo may whine about it a little, it’s mostly accepted by the children and it’s such an easy way to control the tv habit.
  • make sure that I get up on time and get the children up on time.
  • plan ahead for breakfast.

Goal #2 : Starting School on Time

It’s even more important than ever that we begin our school day on time. With adding more into our morning routine, I don’t want to neglect the start of our school day. Having added more to our school day I don’t want to get a late start and sabotage our day before it begins. Getting school started early and well affects how the whole day goes. Using 3 in 30 to really focus on that habit should help us get the school year off to a strong start. Things I can do to help with this habit (after getting the kids up on time, that is):

  • Set a time limit for breakfast
  • Set a time limit for morning quiet time
  • Utilize a morning routine chart or list
  • Set an alarm for the beginning of the school day.

Goal #3 Back on track with bedtime.

I MISS OUR BEDTIME ROUTINE. It went out the window with Spring Break. I’ve tried a little bit here and there to get it back but I haven’t tried hard enough, I guess. I suspect that getting back into the school year will help with this one also because being in school bring a natural order and purpose to the day. Getting up on time will help, too. Things to do to help with this habit:

  • Make sure supper is on time. (Between 5 and 5:30.)
  • Starting bath time by 7:30.
  • Setting an alarm for story time at 8:15.

These are my 3 in 30 goals for September. These 3 things alone will bring MUCH order back to our day. And I need that. My messy, right brain, NOT self-disciplined self CRAVES the order. It also helps our home function, our family stay happy, our school get done and many other things.

You can learn more about 3 in 30 here.

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Hey, y’all! I’m Amber and I wear many hats. I drink a ton of coffee and I’m constantly sweeping crumbs off the floor. After 20+ years of homeschooling, we are starting over at preschool with our fourth, Lil Miss Mouse. She keeps us young and she’s the main reason for my excessive coffee consumption. Drink up!